Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] the time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 E. F. Loftus and Burns interpreted these results as retrograde amnesia produced by mental shock , and suggested that the impairment occurred at the time of storage of the memory .
2 These findings also have important implications for the analysis of prolonged motility recordings in patients with non-cardiac chest pain : repetitive simultaneous pressure waves occurring at the time of an attack of chest pain , do not necessarily indicate that the pain was accompanied by disorders of oesophageal motility , or that such disorders were the cause of the chest pain .
3 Social democratic parties have existed in Europe for a century or more ; the Democratic and Republican parties in the US are well over a century old , and indeed have a certain continuity with earlier parties dating from the time of the American Revolution ; conservative parties on a mass basis were created soon after the emergence of social democracy in Europe ; and communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution .
4 It was held that there had been no breach of the condition as to title because that condition related to the time of the sale .
5 What would the position be if there was an exceptionally strong gale blowing at the time of the original road accident ?
6 Compared with a supplemental dose of OPV , one dose of IPV administered at the time of measles vaccination at 6 or 9 months of age induced significantly higher seroconversion to one or more serotypes at the time of vaccination .
7 Is the existence of a supportive relationship before an event the critical factor , or can new supportive relationships mobilised at the time of the event be effective ?
8 This means that it can not be ruled out that new supportive relationships established at the time of a crisis might also sometimes be beneficial .
9 The millions of pounds this district has been able to secure through I D O is testimony to this , despite the rather luke warm support received at the time from the Labour group .
10 Without the adjustment , it had been estimated that the budget deficit would have exceeded L147,000,000 million , which was the level predicted by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in criticisms made at the time of the adoption of the 1990 budget in December 1989 [ see p. 37509 ] .
11 ’ The word cratch was until recently in common use in Yorkshire for a large basket , and its antiquity is shown by the fact it occurs in a gloss in the Gospels written about the time of the Norman Conquest .
12 There is then a carefully chosen extract from the writer 's work , followed by a bibliography , which not only includes references to critical responses done at the time of publication but modern reassessments as well .
13 A recent correspondence printed in the Regimental Association journal Mars and Minerva alluded to the time in Operation Houndsworth when three aircraft had left from Fairford for the Morvan .
14 Thus , just as place deixis encodes spatial locations on coordinates anchored to the place of utterance , so time deixis encodes times on co-ordinates anchored to the time of utterance .
15 As the law stands at present , however , even if the trial judge reveals at the time of sentencing what advice he proposes to give to the Secretary of State , it will still be necessary for the latter to consult the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge at a later stage .
16 Unfortunately no single governing body for hypnosis exists at the time of writing .
17 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
18 His achievement was to draw on these two strains , and on the contemporary Elizabethan taste for the kind of ingenious conceits known at the time as ‘ devices ’ to produce a creative synthesis .
19 If an adult patient did not have the capacity to decide at the time of the purported refusal and still does not have that capacity , it is the duty of the doctors to treat him in whatever way they consider , in the exercise of their clinical judgment , to be in his best interests .
20 The main right-wing opposition party , National Renewal ( RN ) , criticized the description of the political circumstances existing at the time of the coup , but otherwise gave the report a favourable reception , as did the parties of Aylwin 's centre-left government and the mainstream left .
21 The earliest known frescoes date to the time of the second temples , i.e. from 1700 BC onwards .
22 The initial treatment intervals start from the time of completion of the initial recanalisation , whether this took one or more treatments .
23 Although history dates it to the Golden Age of Magna Graecia , some of the region 's most glorious monuments date from the time of Byzantium and Norman rule .
24 They believed that there had been a stage when there was no individual property ; that is , when no ownership continued beyond the time of use .
25 The position remained substantially the same as that described by Raymond Williams at the time of the earlier confrontation : " The consensus on which the English faculty did its best work ended about the time of Leavis 's retirement and new consensus has yet to be worked out . "
26 But this attitude changed from the time of Alexander the Great ( 336–323BC ) ( fig. 14 ) .
27 Michael made a good recovery , and was well enough to enjoy the international conference given at the time of his retirement .
28 Even the early varieties developed in the time of Browning and Tennyson were nothing like the splendours of today , and one wonders what the genius of their poetic expressions would have made of the ethereal glow in the half light of ‘ Super Star ’ ( see page 129 ) , the exquisite shape and deepest of all crimson-black red of ‘ Charles Mallerin ’ or a hundred and one other modern marvels .
29 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
30 Will he confirm , in line with undertakings given at the time of privatisation , that he expects British Steel to consider offers for the sale of Ravenscraig on a commercial basis at opportunity cost — at a price which British Steel could expect to get for the plant on world markets ?
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