Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] him [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Baxter was deeply shocked by this tragedy and also by the general prejudice aroused against him by this incident .
2 Philip went back to Richard 's rooms in college to wait for him on this night of undreamt-of triumph , to enjoy it with him , to talk it through .
3 But seven pairs of eyes fastened on him at this news , each with their separate thoughts .
4 When Kevin Woodford , owner and chef of Woodfords restaurant on the Isle Of Man asked viewers of ITV 's This Morning programme to write to him about any culinary problems , the letters simply flooded in .
5 The Secretary of State shall lay before both Houses of Parliament a draft of any code of practice prepared by him under this section .
6 H's purpose , however , was to punish the tenant for having given evidence ( under subpoena ) in an action brought against him by another of his tenants and it followed that the landlord was guilty of a criminal contempt of court .
7 Passers-by looked at him in some curiosity , seeing the tears course down his cheeks ; and still he walked on and on .
8 Sylvie looked at him in some perplexity .
9 Perhaps the Prime Minister , in the few months left to him in that position , will think about visiting the Council of Europe Assembly so that we can determine whether the British Government actually envisage a role for the Council of Europe .
10 Wandering aimlessly down one of the grim , draughty passageways of the castle , with Ranulf trailing behind him like some morose dog , Corbett almost bumped into Benstede and his strange body-servant , Aaron .
11 The design for Isvik was influenced to quite a marked degree by the Peterhead-type sailing vessels of the Mounties , also by a sketch made for him by that extraordinary Antarctic single-hander , David Lewis .
12 ‘ Any person who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with a requirement imposed on him under this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding the fifth level on the standard scale or to both .
13 When she looked back at Mick she allowed her gaze to rest on him for some seconds before she answered , ‘ Of course I know who it is .
14 But what had made the girl propose to him in this way ?
15 There had been no need to cling to him with such ardour — no need to respond to his kiss with such wanton abandon .
16 Ideas bombed at him from all directions .
17 Will the Prime Minister , in the last couple of weeks left to him in that office , try answering the question ?
18 The settlor is able to recover the tax paid by him from any trustee or person to whom the income arises under the settlement , subject to crediting any allowance or relief so obtained by the settlor .
19 Much of his later work , achieved under the shadow of inexorably crippling and ultimately fatal illness , which he faced with the utmost fortitude , was latterly facilitated by the research fellowship conferred on him by All Souls in 1954 .
20 Meditate on the words of Paul in Ephesians 4:17–29 , asking the Holy Spirit to impress upon your mind where he wants you to make changes to co-operate with him in this work of transformation .
21 ( 3 ) Nothing in this section shall enable any action — ( a ) to recover , or recover the value of , any property ; or ( b ) to enforce any charge against , or set aside any transaction affecting , any property ; to be brought against the purchaser of the property or any person claiming through him in any case where the property has been purchased for valuable consideration by an innocent third party since the fraud or concealment of ( as the case may be ) the transaction in which the mistake was made took place …
22 ‘ I 've been dealing with your affairs for some considerable time , Jenna , ’ he pointed out , as if it had been a dreadful chore wished on him by some unseen and malevolent spirit .
23 A wild urge to cling to him like this for the rest of her life ?
24 ( c ) No partner should carry on any business which competes with the firm or from which he derives benefit at the expense of the firm Section 30 of the Partnership Act provides as follows : If a partner , without the consent of the other partners , carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that of the firm , he must account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by him in that business .
25 He was ashamed that Michael had heard his father-in-law speak to him like that .
26 Wasim , though has been reprimanded by Lancashire for comments attributed to him in this book .
27 She remembered the time she had returned the coffee she had borrowed from him , and how she had instinctively known there was a woman waiting for him in this very room .
28 The fact that his father behaved towards him for most of the time with mild , if somewhat unthinking kindness , did not rule out this possibility which is present at some time or other in most children 's minds : after all , if you were going to kill someone you would naturally go on being kind to them for the time being , giving them money for sweets and generally keeping up appearances .
29 Seated where he is , Rhys Williams knows one false move could mean the might of God descending on him at any moment .
30 As Ranald looked at him with some concern , the old man waved him off .
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