Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] an [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The last sentence refers to an earlier conversation between Green and Hickson in which the latter had claimed that the Cambridgeshire LEA would not be prepared to support the work of the District , whereas the Board had been offered a grant of £100 for 1931–32 and the prospect of increased grant-aid in subsequent years .
2 This research builds on an earlier survey based on a postal questionnaire by following up some of the respondents to the questionnaire .
3 This research builds on an earlier project ( also funded by ESRC ) which was published by Paul Thompson , Catherine Itzin and Michele Abendstern as ‘ I do n't feel old : Old : the Experience of Ageing ’ , Oxford , 1990 .
4 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
5 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
6 In SPAR , however , reference resolution is able to overturn any preferences applied at an earlier stage .
7 We went for a drive through the ‘ one ways ’ — small one-way streets of tiny clapboard houses built for an earlier generation of warriors , the GIs who returned from Europe and the Pacific in 1945 .
8 Families are almost bound to be aware of the slippage in faculties or capacity to cope of an older family member , long before there is an expressed need for some form of group care , whether day care or residential care .
9 These young patients appear to have a good prognosis following infarction and intervention policies based on exercise testing in an older age group may not be appropriate .
10 Increasing resistance to the alien forces led to the clashes and controversies described in an earlier Chapter .
11 It is evident from the development work described in an earlier chapter that there are a number of ways in which a framework for assessment that accords with the Cockcroft Committee 's recommendations might be conceptualized .
12 A round arch near the pulpit is thought by some authorities to belong to an earlier period .
13 The JMU will take a dim view of any practice in which it discovers repeat breaches or a failure to meet undertakings given at an earlier inspection , regardless of whether or not these were the subject of subsequent correspondence with the Institute ( the fact that they were raised and documented at the closing meeting with the Inspector is a sufficient record ) .
14 In the second part of his autobiography Ways of Escape , Graham Greene writes of an earlier period , ‘ … in Indo-China I drained a magic potion , a loving-cup which I have shared since with many retired colonels and officers of the Foreign Legion whose eyes light up at the mention of Saigon and Hanoi ’ .
15 The select committees , in contrast , were to be investigating bodies where policy issues were not of first importance , the principal task being to find out what was happening inside the various government departments , to inform the House and the public , thus bringing public opinion to bear at an earlier stage while policy was still relatively fluid .
16 The A415 , that 's the Abingdon Ring Road , that 's very busy there this evening , the junction with Colwell Drive there 's reduced ( ? ) there because of the road works , and also very heavy traffic in both directions between Abingdon and Dorchester on the Thames owing to an earlier accident .
17 Proposals such as these aroused considerable debate in the 1930s ( particularly on the question of whether , for every job vacated by an older worker , a new one would be created for a younger person ) , but they made little headway with the National Government .
18 As Mr said in an earlier report , brackets B twelve closed brackets quote , Anna Jane is a quick witted intelligent girl and it is obviously extremely frustrating for her to have to type her conversations , unquote .
19 Tax paid at an earlier stage is deducted to produce the net tax due at each stage .
20 Rain returned to an earlier approach .
21 While the country 's heritage vanished at an ever-faster rate , our town centres would sprout cosmeticized precincts and flower boxes and hold congratulatory receptions .
22 This was a two-seat reconnaissance fighter which adopted the name given to an earlier Fairey fighter , the single-seat Firefly biplane of the mid-1920s .
23 The event smacked of an earlier era of Hollywood where tyrannical film moguls ran the lives of their contracted artists , vetting them for indiscretions and disloyalty .
24 There have been cases in cashmere relating to an earlier period and we are pursuing those actively with the EC authorities .
25 The ordering of the logical forms is therefore very important However , within CLE-I , later processing stages have no opportunity to reverse an ordering between readings imposed by an earlier stage .
26 Thus any person who is seised of land has a protected interest in that land , good against all but those who have a title based on an older seisin .
27 A central feature of the government 's binary policy and the concept of a ‘ public sector ’ was the decision to concentrate a good deal of advanced work in a new generation of ‘ polytechnics ’ — a title borrowed from an earlier response to technological and economic demand — the generation of polytechnics created in London in the last two decades of the nineteenth century .
28 A supplementary statement can not be used to amend the evidence recorded in an earlier statement .
29 Our other main sample , however , the 444 life stories recorded for an earlier project , had been deliberately chosen on the basis of a quota sample to be representative of the British population as a whole in the early twentieth century .
30 Treaty , assumes new obligations which conflict with rights held under an earlier agreement ipso facto agrees to forgo the exercise of such rights to the extent necessary for the performance of its new obligations ( cf. summary at p. 1 , para. 2 ) .
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