Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 William lived on for a further 16 years after that , into the reign of George V and the First World War .
2 GM schools will be able to change their character if that is what parents clearly want and the change fits in with the wider needs of the local area .
3 If an employee trades down to a cheaper model and sacrifices less salary , no output tax liability arises .
4 In the wild they spawn in fast-flowing streams , and the fry grow up in the slower reaches of the river .
5 New Scientist published an article with the transfixing title of ‘ The search for scale invariant cosmology ’ , showing that there was a search going on for a deeper understanding of the Universe .
6 The slope in this new garden is to be terraced around a circular lawn with steps leading up to the higher level .
7 Whether or not this pilot study leads on to a larger project depends upon first , whether or not the aid project goes ahead , and second , whether or not the pilot study indicates that a more ambitious study is feasible .
8 and then you 've got smaller branches coming off of the smaller branches
9 This research grew out of an earlier project ( funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the History of the University of Oxford ) to collect data on the social origins , university experience and career destination of a stratified 10% sample of Oxford University 's twentieth century members .
10 Steps lead up to a higher level platform where surprises are found above the cases down below : the head of a moose and whole of an alligator , to name two .
11 And the overall groupings which we finally evolved for this book in terms of life focus also turn out to be remarkably close to the clusters of life styles picked out in an earlier American study taking just this perspective , Robert Williams and Claudine Wirths 's Lives through the Years .
12 Instead , we gradually get the horse used to having its feet picked up , little by little , until it will tolerates having its feet picked up for a longer time without causing any fuss .
13 This initiative originated in the work carried out in the earlier SSRC initiative , Young People in Society ( YPS ) .
14 BHC engineers came up with a floppier , tapered skirt that allowed them to reduce the pressure of the air cushion .
15 As the mine developed , and Top , Middle , and Grey Crag , became linked by ore-passes and shafts , more and more ore came out of the lower .
16 According to a posthumous account of Mozart 's last months , he and Constanze drove out to the Prater one fine day at the end of October , during which Mozart told his wife that he was convinced he was writing his own Requiem .
17 Ruth flopped back in the lounger and studied the vapour trail through half-closed eyes .
18 Even now as he stood there by the kitchen table he could see Caspar closing in on the weaker lamb , and he could hear that weird and terrible wailing of Lee 's .
19 When Ruth went down to the lower deck it was a hive of activity , with the strangest thing she had so far seen taking place .
20 Simon looked around at the bigger house with an alert eye .
21 Now he was moving slowly as the bark peeled back in a longer and longer strip .
22 Hazel came out on the farther side of the ilexes and followed the path round a bend .
23 This point leads on to a further problem in sampling — which is non-response .
24 He was one of those who saw the possibilities opened up by the cheaper paper , and the coming of machine-made cases instead of hand bookbindings , of about 1830 .
25 A new community grew up on the safer site at the top of the cliffs .
26 Greece sought until the last moment to hold out for a higher ceiling than the 60,500 transit licences offered to Greek lorries .
27 Nomad moves on to a larger site
28 Blow through the small hole so the contents come out of the larger hole on to the saucer .
29 Managers are naturally biased towards projects showing a quick return , if they feel there is unlikely to be ex post settling up over the longer term .
30 The Irish colony of Knokvergence at Cable Street stood out against the newer buildings of Pennington .
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