Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a long " in BNC.

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1 It was like the sun coming out after a long time of darkness .
2 The last dance went on for a long time .
3 This sort of exchange went on for a long time .
4 AN EERIE silence will descend on the steel town of Motherwell next weekend when the big Ravenscraig strip mill winds down for a long and unwelcome seasonal break .
5 Immediately beyond , a short lane leads up to a long terrace of cottages built to house the workers of the Millthrop woollen mill nearby across the river , and looking rather forlorn and out of place since their source of employment was destroyed by fire many years ago .
6 Here he stuck out his chest and strutted about like a professional walker setting out on a long distance race .
7 Then he was hauling back on the control column and edging in on Woolley as the flight hurtled up in a long recovery from its dive .
8 The captain joined in with a long raucous song , beating time on the tea tray .
9 The embrace went on for a long time , but Miguel kept his self-control , so that their kisses , although they grew sweeter and more languid , never became threatening .
10 The noise went on for a long time .
11 The arrival of Islam and the Arabic language was to mark another of the great turning points in the history of Egypt , and their absorption by Egyptian society went on over a long period , being generally a peaceful and incremental process .
12 ‘ The attack went on for a long time and the victim is obviously very shocked , ’ said police .
13 Their congregations of ‘ Independents ’ were justly named in a society settling down to a long period of outward conformity and growing indifference to religion .
14 For all that , it had the feel of a city wakening up after a long sleep and beginning to shake off decades of despair .
15 And that kind of thing went on for a long time , until I could stand it no longer and decided to leave the USSR .
16 With a solar-type star , however , the temperature rises to ten million degrees or so , and nuclear reactions are triggered off , so that the star settles down to a long period of stable existence .
17 The enjoyment of gross physical activity goes on for a long time , progressing to skipping and rushing-about games .
18 At nine-thirty tea was served in the next room and conversation went on for a long time , above all if Mérimée or Octave Feuillet ( the novelist who was librarian at Fontainebleau ) were seated next to the Empress .
19 When sh , Sarah comes in with a long skirt on he , he goes up
20 This view lingered on for a long time and probably still exists to this day .
21 One day , their father Mr Earnshaw came back from a long journey .
22 Students often hesitate to let a rhythmic design run on for a long period , fearing monotony ; they therefore begin something different every few bars , sometimes in the belief that changing words need a constantly changing accompaniment .
23 The royal dinner went on for a long time , but at last Fritz , Sapt , and I were alone in the King 's dressing-room .
24 The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time .
25 ‘ Or perhaps guilt has always been a condition of man , since the early days of the world , before time rolled out like a long slumber across the universe .
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