Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tragically , Jim failed to recover from the stroke he had suffered on the Saturday morning ( 28th May ) and died the following morning .
2 Not prone to understatement , our Michael , as witness the opening paragraph of his colourful piece on the day Tendulkar took the field for the first time : The ghost of Lord Hawke failed to rise from the grave .
3 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
4 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
5 Worst of all , Labour wants to transfer from the House of Commons its most basic power , the power over the nation 's finances .
6 However , in general , the distance the light has to travel from the source to the screen via the two slits will be different .
7 Once more Margaret Seymour-Strachey 's words seemed to come from the front of her head , and to be as contradictory as words usually are when they do n't represent what one is really thinking about .
8 However , although at this stage the inner reaches of PCF life , the practical realities of daily party cultural work , were slowly revealing themselves to Nizan , his intellectual and ideological development was still very much dominated by sectarian rhetoric and abstract , idealised images of a better future destined to arise from the overthrow of capitalism .
9 Finally the number of Steps needed to decelerate from the maximum stepping rate to zero must be estimated and the downcounter set to generate the DECELERATE signal when the system is that distance from the target .
10 You also notice that Sebadoh are n't afraid to improvise live and that they 're so prolific , perfectly-formed new songs seem to drop from the sky .
11 The time-travellers manage to escape from the Aridians and take off in the TARDIS , but the Dalek time-ship is in hot pursuit .
12 In December 1989 eight Chinese deputies belonging to the MCA threatened to resign from the Selangor assembly in protest against the new law .
13 It is still open to the ECJ judges to differ from the Advocate General 's opinion and , according to consultants and actuaries Noble Lowndes , even when judgment is given it is unlikely to cover all the details so requiring national legislation or court action .
14 According to the conventional wisdom , successful presidential candidates had to come from the middle of the political spectrum .
15 Signals have to come from the top , ’ explains , ‘ and chief executives and managing directors have to be hearts and minds behind it . ’
16 20–6–1860 It was understood that Mr Sutherland intended to resign from the school at Mulindry and the Moderator was instructed to look out for a successor .
17 On Jan. 3 eight opposition groups threatened to withdraw from the talks unless a complete report were presented at the next session on the disbanding of the security police and the disarming of former security officers .
18 Interchange by the Euston-King 's Cross link will complement the through international train services that British Rail plans to run from the north-west and the west midlands to Paris and Brussels .
19 For much of the interwar period and for some years after 1945 , the judges seemed to withdraw from the conflict or , when asked to intervene , tended to adopt a neutral position .
20 In the tenth century it was imagined to be an immemorial tradition that archbishops wishing to receive from the pope the ‘ pallium ’ , the scarf of lambs ' wool which set them apart as metropolitans and gave them their status over the rest of the bishops , should come to Rome in person to receive it .
21 All Léonie managed to discover from the postman 's hints was that the priest had had the bones taken away for a quick burial in the cemetery with as few people present as possible , and that people were still visiting the site of the apparitions , waiting to see whether Thérèse would go back .
22 I remember it as horrible , with a smell of cold cabbage seeming to come from the upholstery .
23 During the Civil War , when the Yankees surrounded the southern ports , the Sutherlands made a fortune running the blockades with war supplies from the British and French , as well as helping the cotton export to flow from the ports of Wilmington , Charleston and Savannah .
24 Now the boatmen they used to erm the name , the family of a name of , and the old man , the grandfather his name was and then they had three sons who were boatmen , one was called Arthur John , one had a nickname of Snowball , the other one 's name was George and they used to er , some of them at times used to row from the lock gates out to the Cork Lightship together to get a boat , so they made sure of roping that boat in at , at er in the dock or at Cliff Quay and course they used to get the captain of the ship to sign er a bill and they used to take that to the , to the shipping agent and then he 'd pay 'em the money .
25 Too many of the minor roles become cameos , and a cameo is either an ornament or a blot , but in either case tends to detract from the momentum of a film .
26 In her more recent works , avalanches of everyday objects seem to fall from the sky .
27 Vertical packages tend to be of a pioneering nature , whereas horizontal packages tend to result from the development of existing ideas .
28 Those unhappy with the " confessional " model , mostly in its Christian form , have over the years sought to escape from the dilemma — unconsciously or consciously — by subtracting from the equation of RE all that is controversial and likely to cause trouble .
29 The sea worsens , the waves rising in height , and to add to the misery a sleety rain starts to emerge from the wind .
30 The smell of damp and rot seemed to waft from the doorway as if expelled from putrid lungs .
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