Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , when the opportunity arose to participate in the Programme as a SCOTVEC National Development Officer , the changes began again to figure fairly prominently .
2 Their problem is their flower buds tend to swell in the winter and can be damaged by frost or winds .
3 They told me that they came from the country near Lagrimone and that they had obtained permission to come to pray in the Santuario for their cousin who was fighting in Russia .
4 The observer pegs one end of a string of length r to a fixed point O and then makes a circuit round O so that the string is all the while fully stretched , but of course confined to lie in the surface .
5 It was unclear last night how many East Berliners planned to stay in the West , where facilities are increasingly being overstretched .
6 When a Palestinian delegation asked to participate in the armistice negotiations , its request was rejected and the armistice was signed only by East Bankers .
7 Mostly , however , Mn and Fe tend to co-precipitate in the lattice of carbonate minerals and varying degrees of quenching occur , reducing the intensity of Mn 2 + emission and inducing a brownish colouration according to the quenching .
8 Because proteins are made of amino acids , if protein synthesis is blocked by giving an inhibitor , amino acids which would otherwise have been converted into proteins tend to accumulate in the cell .
9 Even imperialist anti-popes tried to reside in the city — and the emperors strove to keep them there .
10 His eyes seemed to draw in the light like two unreflecting pools and she was unable to tell whether she had dented his ego or not , but the patronising note that came into his voice hinted that she had somehow won that round .
11 His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness .
12 It is surely reasonable to maintain that the parties assumed to contract in the light of the scientific knowledge prevailing at the time of delivery .
13 Nicolo 's words seemed to hang in the silence that suddenly enveloped the room .
14 A young woman called Justine came to live in the house to help my mother with the children .
15 The chief superintendent seemed to revel in the reprimand he issued to her .
16 More or less as soon as the subject has settled into Stage 2 sleep , at the beginning of the night , larger slow waves begin to appear in the EEG , whose frequency is less than 2Hz .
17 The billhook had sliced into his naked thigh and , turning , she saw the great curve of red blood begin to bubble in the air , saw him slowly sink like a wounded animal , his hands plucking the air .
18 The word is that minimalist Huarache technology with the absence of a conventional heel and the neoprene sock , is a path Nike intends to develop in the future .
19 They were running through thickly forested country , and tension began to mount in the car .
20 These eyes began to discern in the Bible distinctive themes and emphases which did not harmonise with the official theology .
21 That figural designs began to occur in the west in any numbers ( i.e. not counting the very early example from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 ) in approximately the same period as a further development of figural design is apparent in the southeast , is an interesting possibility : this may also have been contemporary with the first appearance of fully centralised designs .
22 Mmm … only a few players Id like to see in the side to be honest .
23 Together they choose the best plate to display the food , then Linda gets to work in the kitchen preparing the food for photography with a little help from Cheryl Baker .
24 G. Thomas Horsley ( page 52 ) saw industry starting to grow in the region .
25 He lets the silence linger for ten endless seconds , during which his bulk seems to swell in the room .
26 Médecins Sans Frontières and the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) were among the few relief organizations continuing to operate in the town .
27 After all the outsider chose to engage in the share transaction and accepted the price offered .
28 Mrs Thatcher was concerned not simply that fewer than half the electorate bothered to participate in the choosing of their local council , but that many eligible electors were not themselves local taxpayers .
29 Romanians called pigs ' trotters ‘ patriots ’ because they were the only bits of the pig allowed to remain in the country .
30 For a time Soviet rule appeared to collapse in the face of support for the nationalist Azerbaijan Popular Front .
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