Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Like many others during his age , Spenser developed a variety of tactics to try to fudge the fact that England was ruled by a woman .
2 As symbols of dominance , these displays demanded a spectacular setting , and soon every great city of the industrialized world possessed a museum whose cathedral-like setting helped to confirm the role that science had usurped as the source of moral authority in the modern world .
3 And that too seems related to the solidarities of kinship and to the training in respect which comes with belonging to a lineage : in a sense , both cadres and ordinary Libyans seemed to share the assumption that loyalties of descent and domesticity were more important than differences of opinion .
4 He said staff had to be aware of and attempt to neutralise the promotional tactics used to give the impression that health-care professionals endorse products , for example the provision of free pens , mugs and calendars with company logos .
5 Holland 1983 ; Rescorla 1985 ) , a term used to describe the finding that subjects can come to respond appropriately to a CS that is sometimes reinforced and sometimes not according to whether some other event ( the occasion setter ) accompanies the target CS .
6 This misleading term tends to conceal the fact that dolphins are intentionally located , chased , harassed and encircled with a fishing net , from which attempts may not be made to release them .
7 While it is true that without the transport sector 's contribution , the overall rate of investment in the economy would not have exceeded 10 per cent of national income by 1815 , concentration on such macro-economic data tends to obscure the fact that the financing of improvements in transport was above all an example of regional capital formation .
8 I will be working closely with Brian Eyre over coming months to help to create the climate that will lead to favourable decisions about our future .
9 The perspective of the poem follows its language , tumbling suddenly into a burst of passion and emotion as the poet struggles to observe the forces that buffet him in the heart of his mind .
10 Unfortunately , punk served to obscure the fact that they made some of the greatest rock ever .
11 Unfortunately , punk served to obscure the fact that they made some of the greatest rock ever .
12 THE RESULT OF THE INITIAL review served to confirm the view that the future for the majority of C&P 's businesses was robust .
13 And because education is thought by some people to be unique , its very isolation seems to justify the fact that its management should not be evaluated on lines comparable to the management of business , industry or other spheres of large-scale public work .
14 This study seems to refute the hypothesis that CLO is an end stage disease occurring in old patients with longer histories of reflux because of age , sex ratio , and duration of symptoms is similar to the severe reflus oesophagitis group .
15 This research aims to investigate the factors that underlie the current restructuring of that sector .
16 Megaw LJ said that each of the parties desired to avoid the possibility that the other might challenge the opinion of the valuer because the parties had stipulated that the auditors should act as experts , and by doing so they had showed that they wanted a measure of certainty , accepting the risk , which applied either way , that the expert might err .
17 He learned that Tank had introduced Richter to Peron and the physicist managed to persuade the dictator that he could project Argentina into the 21st century ahead of its competitors and , in turn , make Peron appear one of the most enlightened leaders of the century .
18 Both the Conservative and Labour parties appeared to draw the conclusion that it was an experience to be avoided , not one to be encouraged .
19 Now Berliners aim to realise the potential that 's eluded them since the war , and the development of no man 's land is crucial ; the practical realisation of unification , and it 's fraught with problems .
20 The authors fail to emphasise the difficulties that arise from the lack of information available about indications for treatment .
21 The Jews had to accept the fact that Gentiles could become Christians and that in so doing they did not have to come to Christ via Jewish cultural conditioning .
22 Like exponents of the argument from design in earlier generations , Paley had to confront the fact that some species possessed structures that were useful for the killing of prey .
23 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the power to make an order under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 was not confined to documents which could be said to be necessary to reconstitute the state of the company 's knowledge , even if that might be one of the purposes most clearly justifying the making of an order , but extended to all documents which the administrator reasonably required to see to carry out his functions ; that the applicant had to satisfy the court that after balancing all the relevant factors , there was a proper case for making the order ; that since the information sought was necessary to enable the administrators to carry out the administration and production of the documents did not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the accountants , the registrar 's order despite its width , was proper in the exceptional circumstances ( post , pp. 855E–H , 860C–D , 862D–E , G–H , 863D , 864E ) .
24 The following year , in her review of O'Keeffe 's 1928 exhibition , critic Marya Mannes refused to accept the idea that O'Keefe 's work was , foremost an expression of the feelings and desires of a woman .
25 The physical discomfort of the cars , the intense concentration required to push the parameters that bit further , the G-force that racked their bodies .
26 Candidates have to satisfy the examiners that they have reached a sufficiently high standard in all assessable essays before being permitted to continue to the dissertation .
27 The authors wanted to test the hypothesis that important aspects of Asian culture , such as extended family networks and a high frequency of stable marriages , had ‘ migrated ’ , and might reduce vulnerability to relapse .
28 In R. v. Inner London Education Authority ex parte Ali a parent failed to persuade the court that he should be awarded damages for the failure of the respondents to fulfil their statutory duty to provide sufficient schools .
29 The United States expert sought to re-assure the Commission that pre-trial discovery procedures in his country were all after the commencement of proceedings ( the relevance of this being , presumably , that it picks up the requirement of Article 1(2) of the Convention ) and were under the control of a judge .
30 Jerry , Chris , Johnny Dawes and Pete Gomersall failed to convince the assembly that bolting is not a threat , and the vast majority of British climbers , it seems , want the bolters firmly kept in their place .
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