Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 There were days when the leaders of the band refused to let them light any kind of fire in case German patrols found them and yet they somehow still had to produce food that the men could eat .
2 She tried to ease her hand out from under his but met with a resistance that could only have been overcome by struggling , and pride refused to let her do that .
3 This is where the theory starts to help us get more mileage from our old friends the minor pentatonic scales .
4 God wants to help you do that , but you must play your part .
5 Although Peter returned to help you finish that tour , the early '70s must have been fraught with looking for replacements , before you crystallised the line-up with Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks …
6 Ultimately the gig lacked magic because the crowd wanted to hear him play some Eric Clapton numbers .
7 Temperament and conviction combined to make him see this moment , not as one of intriguing human possibilities , but as one offering an unofficial means to an official end .
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