Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] with the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A SURVEY by the St John Ambulance Brigade came up with the remarkably interesting finding that the man most women would prefer to give them the kiss of life , assuming it was necessary or even if it was n't , would be TV doctor Hilary Jones .
2 Gyggle started off with the most sophisticated of these , the symbol and colour cards , but was soon reduced to getting me to try and guess — and a guess is all I could make — which of three paper cups had a ping-pong ball under it .
3 To help its clients keep up with the seemingly exponential growth of market data , Yamaichi Securities Co. , Ltd. has created the world 's first integrated information system focused exclusively on the financial sector .
4 So , Jess was chauffeur driven to The Belfry while his girlfriend went home with the very nice man from the AA in the recovery truck .
5 Shortly after peace was declared , Madame Hébuterne quarrelled violently with the almost full-term Jeanne and left the lodgings to take rooms nearby .
6 In 1965 the young Cooder teamed up with the equally young Taj Mahal in a band called The Rising Sons .
7 Nadel , an Austrian-Jewish emigre , viewed the British colonial administrators with a sometimes caustic eye , and the journal contrasts sharply with the relatively diplomatic comments made in his published work .
8 But British Rail compares favourably with the less reliable Czech rail .
9 The day progressed and temperatures and humidity rose along with the fiercely contested matches .
10 Hope walked across to one of the biggest stones and examined its blank surface close up with the most scrupulous attention until the Colonel and his ward had quit the field .
11 The month kicks off with the Not-So Innocent Bystanders ' production of ‘ 3 Steps to Heaven ’ , a new music theatre piece by writer/performer Helen Trew , and directed by local actor Richard Orr .
12 Homeless people came up with the most poignant things , probably because they 're used to communicating this way . ’
13 As a result the paper came out with the most terrifying remarks allegedly made by Baldwin about some of the political figures of the day , notably Beaverbrook , but also Lloyd George and others .
14 He was all the more striking because the boast that he ran his papers just to make money contrasted strongly with the more complex motives , combining profit with politics , that were still typical of the proprietors of the early 1960s .
15 Erm I did n't spot the tentative benefit , I do n't think you actually got that bit as far as what was gon na be in it because when erm Steve came up with the why so long I think that , that took you off the track a bit .
16 ‘ This rather formal approach contrasts neatly with the more informal approach generally adopted by central governments in their relations with local authorities in the years up to 1979 ’ .
17 In all these species the males compete for dominance on the lek , and the females mate mainly with the most dominant males .
18 Churchill , Beveridge and their colleagues recognized that insurance dealt only with the most tractable tip of the unemployment problem .
19 LA now plans to become the first conurbation in the world to grapple comprehensively with the most pressing international problem of the next century : how to remain prosperous without choking to death .
20 The book deals progressively with the how , the why and the when of every stage of a simple conveyancing matter .
21 They simply churned out dozens of reprints and impressions in a very short space of time to keep up with the ever growing demand by the Wallace clamouring public .
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