Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Onions , left to go to seed , displayed magnificent fluffy heads , and a host of chirruping birds fluttered excitedly about the varied riches of the wilderness .
2 IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and DEC got together at the Open Software Foundation 's Challenge'93 shindig in Boston last week to demonstrate their implementations of the Distributed Computing Environment .
3 The story goes back to the major earthquake , magnitude 7 on the Richter scale , which rocked Greece in February 1981 .
4 The driver launches forward for a narrow escape .
5 Moscow sets terms for unity debate Following are extracts from an address to members of the European Parliament given yesterday by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze .
6 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
7 East Grinstead got off to a great start with an 11th minute goal , but in spite of their pressure — they won ten penalty corners to Holywood 's none — they seldom troubled goalkeeper Kyle Thompson .
8 Her features were well-shaped even so early , and the jaw placed finely on the white neck with its blue flush of springing hair .
9 Tsu Ma went across and stood there , one foot resting lightly on the tiled lip of the well as he looked back across the valley towards the south .
10 If , however , continuous variation is required , this preset can be omitted from the board and three wires taken from the relevant board points up to a conventional 1k rotary potentiometer mounted on a front panel , along with any metering .
11 The search for new policies led additionally to the widespread adoption of monetary targets in most economies , including the UK , apparently giving some acceptance of the monetarist claim that inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in the money supply .
12 his great jaw hanging down like an open hatch .
13 Foreign imports into Britain continued to grow rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s while UK exports of manufactures levelled off from the late 1970s , making the UK a net importer of manufactured goods for the first time in the long history we have described ( Figure 2.1 ) .
14 A highly complex drug made up of a whole series of chemicals with different reaction times , designed to fire particular synapses in the brain itself — to create , if you like , a false landscape of experience .
15 The massive shoulders and chest tapered down to the lean cowboy hips and long legs .
16 The lady Alianor refers always to the new king thus , thought Joan .
17 Dot was n't allowed into Mrs Parvis 's kitchen except at the regulation meal-times and she was n't sure about how food was prepared , but she was pretty certain that when Mrs Parvis cooked what was called a nice egg-dish , it was made from an orange coloured powder spooned up from a deep cylindrical tin .
18 The case arose out of a fatal road accident in Illinois , the plaintiff 's parents having been killed as a result of a head-on collision between their Volkswagen Rabbit and another vehicle .
19 However , this Government have frozen , deliberately , purchase grants even in the past three years when the Minister has had funds at his disposal .
20 Green Realignment 's independent existence got off to an uncertain start when one of the six members of its steering group , Lou Betts , announced that he had decided to rejoin the Green Party .
21 In another account of youth work , Hubert Secretan rehearsed the same complaint : ‘ Every boy 's sympathy goes out to the lithe and resourceful crook …
22 The noise builds up to a shattering roar .
23 A white T-shirt clung faithfully to the contoured steel of his pectoral muscles .
24 The back door of the kitchen led out onto a slate-paved path at the foot of three steep terraces giving much lebensraum to many varieties of voracious weeds and scrubby elder bushes .
25 Because Xtradrive requires a device driver , which means that it is a system level device , bypassing DOS and the BIOS to go straight to the hard disk would result in the swap file not benefiting from compression .
26 The plan was devised with the help of the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , which welcomes China 's decision to go ahead as a major step toward saving the panda .
27 The 14 night Sovereign Wildlife Safari drives far across the Kenyan plains , visiting the huge game reserves at Samburu and Maasai Mara .
28 As Ian Macdonald points out in The New Immigration Law ( Butterworths , 1972 ) :
29 The origin of the synagogue goes back to the Babylonian period .
30 The other , the Left Bank , is open rolling country where sheep graze prosperously on the broad grassy slopes ; valleys are wide , hills less crowded , the cover sparse , and views extensive .
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