Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I picked up my briefcase , started out the door and asked the FBI agent on the case to see me downstairs to a cab because I did n't feel very safe in Chicago .
2 Kolchinsky lowered him carefully to the floor then flicked on the intercom switch on the desk .
3 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
4 ADRIAN MAGUIRE moved upsides reigning champion Peter Scudamore at the head of the jockeys ' table when a double aboard Calapaez and Mr Felix moved him on to the 32 winner mark at Plumpton yesterday .
5 On Thursday at the 17th Arnold knocks it up to an identical spot and says , ‘ What club is it , Tip ? ’
6 Sinn Fein failed in an attempt to co-opt him on to the council on Wednesday night .
7 Only one of this year 's Crufts group winners made it through to the last forty !
8 While Kathleen wired him up to a monitor and put in an intravenous line , Ben ran gentle fingers over the boy .
9 If one of the big parties wins something close to a majority of seats , it may have two ways of avoiding dependence on either Catalans or Basques .
10 Gaveston led them back to the heart of the palace whence a servitor took them up to a chamber high in the building .
11 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
12 She was just getting used to the chestnut when Alejandro moved her on to a dark brown mare who , when it was n't bucking , shied at the ball , and then on to another chestnut , whom she had great difficulty in holding .
13 His son , Guardsman George , freely admits that the Fawcetts helped themselves judiciously to the region 's edible game .
14 The text of Lumen Gentium had been more or less left alone , but it was now prefixed by an ‘ Explanatory Note ’ ( Nota praevia ) which , it was clear when Archbishop Felici communicated it formally to the Council two days later , had come from Pope Paul himself .
15 Corbett threw himself on to a bench beside the wall .
16 The walrus followed us in to the shallows , and we hurriedly jumped out on to the shore to get better pictures .
17 His selkie blood called him back to the sea , though , and he became a sailor .
18 The fear followed him on to the table at the Rothmans and the man who had pillaged nine titles last season lost to world No 52 Tony Chappel — a player who had managed to take just one frame off him in two previous meetings .
19 When the balance is correct then you just sit and ride forward with your legs closed gently round the horse riding him up to a soft contact on the reins .
20 The full reality of the war came home to Tony when a soldier beckoned him over to a lorry and opened the back doors .
21 And er the sparrow thought he would maybe make it back to the mainland now so the peedie fairy climbed on his back and the sparrow flew it back to the mainland .
22 I do n't suppose I was more than 10 when the harvesters sent me off to the nearest pub to get some cider in a couple of bottles .
23 An eery echoing spiralling climb of 168 steps took me up to the light itself and 180 degree views stretching to hazy nothingness to the west and north ; Harris hills to the south-west ; the Cuillins of Skye to the south and the mainland mountains to the east .
24 Dr Rafaelo took her down to the poolside .
25 A PAPER fan inherited among a job lot on her marriage led Mrs Lynn Lamport on a trail of historical intrigue unearthing tales of three-in-a-bed and of a Lady whose gambling losses brought her down to the level of street sweeper .
26 Each evening when we tidied away our papers I expected Edward to invite me over to the Lodge for a drink or a meal , and the invitation was not extended .
27 IT was out with the old and in with the new and despite the result , Darlington manager Ray Hankin still found much to praise about Quakers ' performance after another home defeat sent them closer to the Fourth Division .
28 The boys ' father Ben said : ‘ The lads took me straight to the baby and it was freezing .
29 Is there a message for me from a garage ? ’ she changed her mind to rephrase it pleasantly to the man whom she 'd seen many times before and who , from his broad welcoming smile , she knew had remembered her .
30 Burney took him over to the grey slab in the middle of the room .
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