Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 Scott regarded him impassively for a moment .
2 She thanked him and waited while David invited him in for a cup of tea .
3 Donna regarded him blankly for a moment , then nodded .
4 The train , carrying up to 500 passengers in 12 coaches , ploughed into the heavy seats at top speed dragging them underneath for a mile .
5 Those who were too tired to move and still felt cold took themselves off for a hot bath .
6 If his work kept him late for a meal , he had satirical reproaches cast upon his head by the landlady .
7 Robinson regarded it cautiously for a moment , then shook it , feeling the power in the other man 's grip .
8 He will inundate us with charters — and all because London Transport turned him down for a job .
9 Endill thought it over for a few moments .
10 The brave tot , who has been battling leukaemia since he was six weeks old , was bouncing with life yesterday as mum Michelle took him out for a treat .
11 A few stragglers kept it up for a few seconds , then there was nothing .
12 The formulation of restraints upon State activities through the adoption ( often by consensus ) of Resolutions and Codes of Conduct within international organisations makes it hard for a State to claim non-party status , as it can to a treaty it has not ratified .
13 Marty McCann breathed a sigh of relief as he watched his intended back pass rebound off the post for the keeper to scramble it away for a corner .
14 Second , the British way of doing things makes it hard for a company to discover the identity of a suspected concert party-goer hiding behind a nominee .
15 Iago rose to take his leave , but the prince called him back for a moment .
16 Chapman became a target man in more ways than one as the Germans singled him out for a buffeting that went unpunished by Swedish referee Rune Larsson .
17 They never were , and war in 1879 cut their value , many holders selling them off for a pittance .
18 A week or two before the Board Meeting at which the Pub Catering proposals are due to be considered , John Watson calls you in for a talk .
19 But at the same time I realise it means they 're basically trying to control my music which I did n't expect ’ As for taking him seriously , American composer Philip Glass offered to do a 12-inch remix of Hey Music Lover after Moore took him out for a night in the clubs .
20 Turn off the heating and drain the system ( page 154 ) before removing the radiator to take it outside for a thorough flushing out with a hosepipe .
21 Connie buzzed them in for a joyous greeting from Hurley , Colonel John Sasser , the Defense attaché , and one of Buck Revell 's FBI team , but there was n't much time for celebration because Hamadan was wanted elsewhere for debriefing .
22 Indeed , the proposed development has been thrown into doubt with the Secretary of State 's decision to call it in for a public inquiry following representations from environmental pressure groups objecting to the scheme 's architectural quality .
23 Woody Allen passed him over for a musical .
24 I think that my hon. Friend the Member for Tooting displayed the facts well , and it was perverse of Conservative Members to pick him up for a slip of the tongue when he gave an incorrect figure , which it is relatively easy to do .
25 ‘ It 's like a man takes you out for a meal and he 's thinking , ‘ I let her have an horsd'oeuvre , so I can definitely ask her to wear the handcuffs later on . ' ’
26 We 'd sure love to put you up for a few days . ’
27 The man took her aside for a moment .
28 He has to compose around something , so his isolating ( once strident ) individualism sets him up for a Bowiesque plummet into British nationalism and a flirtation with racism with overtures to the Nazis .
29 ‘ My pupils accompanied me here for a fortnight 's holiday during which they would acquire the art of fish cookery . ’
30 In the past a Welsh dealer had brought ponies and kept them on the moors at Hartshead to fatten them up for a few weeks prior to the fair , and Mr Rawson had often helped to drive them from there to Lee Gap .
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