Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 Their presence made it hard for the women to rescue the corpses of the drowned , and many bodies had to be abandoned to them .
2 Twelve years after the Republicans moved into the White House and 13 months after the Arkansas governor launched his long-shot bid to win it back for the Democrats , the man on the defensive was Mr Bush .
3 The voting continued throughout Monday night , eight candidates putting themselves forward for the honour .
4 Nigel tarted himself up for the two days before her visit .
5 Nancy was able to come to Bedford and a kindly Methodist lady put her up for the night .
6 A branch line train took us to Aubagne where a coach picked us up for the journey up to the camp .
7 Jessica 's grandparents took her out for the day as father-of-four Mr Egerton , of Enfield , north London , recovered from Friday 's ordeal .
8 It is n't a question of the Director working it out for the Designer .
9 His hands were not particularly robust , but he missed very few matches until June 1952 , when appendicitis ruled him out for the rest of the summer .
10 It was true that the chains ' capacity for negotiating good deals made it hard for the family-run business to keep going , and they had many letters offering businesses for sale , and the price of shops was coming down all the time .
11 But it was left to Oxford Hawks in the gold shirts and Gloucester City in the red to battle it out for the minor places in a Central South derby .
12 Hereford lost their grip just for a second , but that was long enough for Phil Chard to get one back for the cobblers .
13 ‘ Any suggestion that your wife expects you home for the evening meal at a reasonable hour ’ is met with ‘ howls of derision ’ from older colleagues .
14 The two head office teams battled it out for the top spot , but it was no surprise to see , a Bolton Sailing Club member along with his father , steer his craft over the line first .
15 Tolstoy spells it out for the reader in ways that are terribly painful ; he leaves no room for pictures ’ ( quoted ibid .
16 Rumour had it the owner of the Gazi burned it down for the insurance money .
17 They said their father contacted them suddenly for the first time two months ago after walking out on them 18 years ago .
18 The weather God had it in for the night patrol .
19 Uncertainty about the future and lack of continuity of decisions make it hard for the substitute parents to make a strong commitment to the child and include the natural parent .
20 The minute for the first of April begins " In the spring of the present year a few friends convened themselves together for the purpose of considering the possibility of opening a News & Reading Room . "
21 In effect , therefore , we stop acquiring any new skills and this may mean we risk having too narrow a repertoire of skills to equip us adequately for the variety of people-situations we are likely to encounter .
22 Charles made himself up for the new role , and dressed in the new costume .
23 You can watch the newsreader 's lips getting into gear , like Fatima Whitbread psyching herself up for the big throw .
24 Trainer Richard Hannon entered her yesterday for the Hambro Countrywide Fillies Stakes at Newmarket and the Daily Mail Leisure Stakes at Lingfield on Saturday .
25 A decade ago , NEC Corp surged past Motorola Inc and Texas Instruments Inc to become the world 's largest chipmaker , and Japan has held the title ever since — until 1991 , when according to Dataquest , Intel Corp grew 26% to win it back for the US .
26 It was a mammoth task , but Finniston considers that his scientific background fitted him well for the challenge .
27 Some thought Meredith Jones a rough , bullying master , picking out the brightest boys to train them up for the scholarship class and by their results inflate his own ego .
28 I 'll tell Jack Dodson to pick 'er up for the fatstock market on Thursday .
29 Impulses of attraction towards beautiful forms or faces troubled him frequently for the next two years at Oxford .
30 WOOD GROUP Haven Engineering , met Sony [ UK ] Projects Department , on 29 April to battle it out for the recently-established Wood Group Haven v Sony [ UK ] Snooker challenge cup , at the Snooker Centre , Bridgend .
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