Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the description fits someone else in the office , take action .
2 Away he goes Lawrence again to the right-handed and that 's short on the back foot plays it down with a dead bat , ball bounces little more than a yard or two .
3 Poland , for instance , unlike Russia , was a participant in and indeed an important contributor to the great movements in early modern European history , such as the Renaissance and the scientific revolution , and the country 's legal system , literary forms and religious faith aligned it firmly with the liberal West rather than the more authoritarian East .
4 Sir , So , the swords are drawn with the Government at long last , now that you have a UK Chairman whose speech at this inauguration laid it firmly on the line , that what this country needs is a transport policy to serve commerce and social preference .
5 He fought their attempts to carry him out with the strength of one possessed .
6 Their presence made it hard for the women to rescue the corpses of the drowned , and many bodies had to be abandoned to them .
7 The absence of noise placed it happily in the private sector .
8 Any excuse got me out of the office .
9 I picked up my briefcase , started out the door and asked the FBI agent on the case to see me downstairs to a cab because I did n't feel very safe in Chicago .
10 Kolchinsky lowered him carefully to the floor then flicked on the intercom switch on the desk .
11 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
12 A bell tolled , the sign for Compline , and Lady Amelia led him down through the darkened cloister out across the grass to the church .
13 Nutty flung herself blindly at the opposition .
14 ADRIAN MAGUIRE moved upsides reigning champion Peter Scudamore at the head of the jockeys ' table when a double aboard Calapaez and Mr Felix moved him on to the 32 winner mark at Plumpton yesterday .
15 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
16 General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas , builders of the super-expensive A-12 fighter for the United States Navy , want the Pentagon to bail them out of a possible $2.7 billion overrun on the development and production of A-12s .
17 ‘ Master Daunbey , ’ Mandeville caught him up at the corner of the gallery .
18 Manescu grasped her firmly by the arm as he asked his question .
19 You and Mum built it up from a seedy little run-down nothing !
20 After six o'clock , when the cheap rate had started , Karen King let herself out of the side door of Aunt Jane 's bungalow and walked the quarter of a mile to the public call box .
21 On Thursday at the 17th Arnold knocks it up to an identical spot and says , ‘ What club is it , Tip ? ’
22 All that postmodernism has been able to do is signal the demise and loss of all we have held dear , and it remains for another generation of artists to pull us out of the mire .
23 Korda let him out on a three-picture deal with Fox , continued to pay him $15,000 a year but would take a large slice of what Fox paid him : from the three pictures Richard would earn about £80,000 .
24 Sinn Fein failed in an attempt to co-opt him on to the council on Wednesday night .
25 3 The attacker 's body weight drives him head-on into a claw strike that covers the whole area of the face .
26 Only one of this year 's Crufts group winners made it through to the last forty !
27 Phil , his ever-cheerful self , telling me he has stood up his girlfriend to see me through till the end .
28 While Kathleen wired him up to a monitor and put in an intravenous line , Ben ran gentle fingers over the boy .
29 It is then the truck drivers push them out of the moving cab .
30 Exhausted front seven hours of nonstop toil , the brothers flung themselves down on the red soil in the shade along with the other fifteen hundred coolies of the plantation and lay like dead men .
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