Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Though grouping of some kind was the norm in the classrooms we visited , our interview and observation data revealed it to be a somewhat problematic strategy for many teachers .
2 Richard found it to be a ‘ town … full of temptations ’ .
3 While that child is away , the organizer chooses someone to be the murderer .
4 This was confirmed on computed tomography and biopsy showed it to be a well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma .
5 Later , the College permitted him to be the veterinary examiner for the East India Company .
6 For all the enigmas in his career , Wojciech Jaruzelski seems himself to be the prototype of what the USSR has come to trust most in the Polish military outlook .
7 But one day in 1977 a rather special envelope arrived , bearing an engraved card inviting me to be a guest of honour at the Women of the Year lunch at the Savoy Hotel in London .
8 Jeffrey 's family and supporters suspected it to be a plot hatched by Captain Lake and his friends .
9 Pinned above Beth 's bed , next to the card proclaiming her to be a spiritualist , was a photograph of a male dancer from the newly formed Royal Ballet , and I came in one day soon after I arrived at Huntingdon to find a knot of giggling girls peering up at this dancer , who was poised on one foot , wearing an agonised expression and very tight tights .
10 They recorded one album , and bootlegs reveal it to be a rough but fascinating affair , veering wildly between respectful renditions of traditional classics and slightly embarrassing Beatles pastiches .
11 Of this person she could form no idea other than that Hugh believed him to be the owner of whatever was in the sack and that he was in some way connected with the outlaws ' Camp .
12 Tavett was too preoccupied with his fear that Wickham believed him to be the murderer to form any judgments .
13 Frank shows himself to be the only ventriloquist to move his lips but not his teeth .
14 At once Sixsmith showed himself to be a person of some candour .
15 The journalists in question consider themselves to be the media equivalent of the praetorian guard .
16 Rose gave a tiny stifled scream and the third person in the bay window proved itself to be a young man by throwing back his head and shouting with laughter .
17 My parents wanted me to be a schoolmaster , but I married into the dry-cleaning business . ’
18 The Donatists considered themselves to be the church of the martyrs , and kept alive the old posture of the persecuted church in the new , much altered , times after Constantine .
19 With her there is another bird which at first and with excitement we take for a king eider , but closer inspection reveals it to be an immature eider drake still paddling along near his mother .
20 Although it can take a panoply of four-dimensional shapes , Dr Tipler prefers it to be a single point ; in the manner of the 20th-century Catholic evolutionist and mystic , Teilhard de Chardin , he calls it the omega point .
21 They have been chosen for the posts in other parts of the country because their employers consider them to be the best people for these particular jobs .
22 The victory ended a run of three successive defeats , and Shell showed himself to be a relatively undemonstrative head coach prepared to listen to the advice of his assistant coaches and players before calling the big plays .
23 Plus ça change : in the 1990s these words ( apart from their dated gender references ) remain as relevant and as enlightening as in the 1970s and at the beginning of the century : the problem of poverty is the condition of the normal man [ and woman ] in normal circumstances , neither better nor worse off than his [ or her ] neighbours , not of those whose failings qualify them to be the text for the moralist , and who are no more common in the manual working-classes than in other sections of the society .
24 Sequence analysis of the subcloned mouse 276 bp PCR product revealed it to be a homologue of the human AD1 sequence .
25 We the local authority , I think people of Wiltshire expect us to be the lead agency in promoting sustainability and environmental , highlighting environmental issues , throughout the county .
26 Yet , during the late 1930s , Labour 's clear hostility towards European fascism , and its support of the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War confirmed it to be a party which was prepared to face up to fascism .
27 What irritates me about Vienna is a certain not-quite-definable smugness , a feeling that somehow this place feels itself to be the centre .
28 Indeed , it was in that elite Division that David 's tireless workrate , intelligent and selfless running and accurate distribution proved him to be a footballer of high calibre .
29 ‘ Sir I take this libertey to aske the favour for my sister Smith the widow if you have the goodness to recommend her to be the patron for the infurmarey , as her incombe is so very scant , to live on .
30 Once champion , he relinquished his name believing it to be a relic of slavery and announced his allegiance to the Nation of Islam , the segregationist sect popularly known as the ‘ Black Muslims ’ ( see Lincoln , 1961 ; Essien-Udom , 1962 ) .
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