Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These guys do anything , you know , U turns in the middle of anywhere , they , they can do it , you ca n't .
2 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
3 The following month he publicly waived the death sentence hanging over the organizers of the second coup attempt of 1983 .
4 The most useful definition is that of groups formed on the basis of occupational difference .
5 The new issue market is not a distinct and separate organization within the Stock Exchange , rather it is merely a tag given to the collection of processes by which companies acquire both a listing on the exchange and new equity capital .
6 Moreover , imbalances arose within the economy as a whole , in particular between consumption goods and capital goods .
7 ‘ She 's had a blood leakage into the vitreous humour , ’ Belinda explained unnecessarily , her heart thudding at the sight of him .
8 In the Catholic school moral education is a whole school task where pupils are enabled to experience moral values lived in the life of the school .
9 first , the existing local authorities argued for the retention of the status quo ; second , some Conservative Members of Parliament sought to retain the existing system as far as possible in such areas as Surrey ; third , groups concerned with some services — particularly education — pointed out weaknesses in the proposals as far as their service was concerned ( Rhodes 1970 : 120 ) .
10 Reader 's interest coincide generally with the news values listed at the start of the chapter .
11 Occasionally , perhaps , gerontophiliac tendencies account for the disruption of an engagement or marriage through attraction of one partner to the parent of the other ; but marriages are broken far more often through infatuation with a third party of a partner 's own age group , while attraction to an in-law may equally denote a need for a surrogate mother or father irrespective of true gerontophilia .
12 Modules may be offered as free-standing units or in integrated modular programmes depending on the needs of various client groups .
13 Five guitar cases sit in the corner of the room , betraying his affection for — and expertise in producing — guitar-orientated groups .
14 Whatever the need for honesty , there is little point , and usually no advantage , in allowing discussions to continue on the basis of anger or mutual recrimination .
15 He was pleased with the support received for the practice of joint confirmation and particularly , welcomed the first ever united service for Christian Unity week .
16 This is reminiscent of the hypothetical primal horde where the tribal father kept the women to himself and allowed the sons to remain in the family on sufferance ’
17 But this , as I have indicated , does not in all cases make for the construction of a more liberal society .
18 When this last measure failed to force some authorities sufficiently into line , the Conservative government , in 1984 , introduced a measure called rate capping that made it illegal for authorities designated by the Secretary of State to levy more than a certain amount in rates , their only form of independent finance .
19 Raw council estates spilled over the fields at the edge of town , marring the views .
20 The SAM molecules bind to the faces of the repressors , remote from the DNA , with their positively charged sulphur atoms lying at the carboxy termini of the B helices , as in the holorepressor structure .
21 Gerald fought to the bar for a couple more glasses and generously shared the bottle .
22 That of the southern European states led to the establishment of commonplace majority voting , as enshrined in the Single European Act .
23 The younger was nineteen or so , just a few inches taller than Melanie , with longish , bright red hair hanging over the collar of a dark blue , rather military looking jacket with shoulder flaps and brass buttons .
24 Firstly , and I return to this point which I have mentioned again and again in debates such as this and that 's the the question of the lack of there being a central agency er in existence to see to the enforcement of these matters .
25 She screeched while his rump heaved , her snout rammed between the bars of the pen .
26 Volume was measured separately for each outstanding futures contract by the number of contracts traded during the day .
27 The hearing will be adjourned pending the delivery of the High Court 's opinion , at which time it will be relisted and a decision given on the merits in the light of the High Court 's opinion on the law .
28 The negative views B. S. Johnson expresses above are fairly widely shared : Malcolm Bradbury points to the existence of a general critical assumption that after the work of the modernists , the ‘ experimental tradition ’ in Britain may simply have lapsed ( Bradbury 1973 : 86 ) .
29 Long black hair tumbled from the top of the boy 's head .
30 Somehow though , The Fall of Yugoslavia comes across as a series of fragments that do n't quite make a whole , and any attempts to go beyond the yawn-capacity of school history books are sadly flawed .
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