Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If revaluation of his security is necessary , resulting in a greater shortfall , he is to be treated as the creditors referred to in the previous paragraph .
2 Relevant income for any year of assessment , in relation to an individual is any income which arises in that year to a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom and which by virtue or in consequence of the transfer or associated operations referred to in the main charging provision — s740 — can directly or indirectly be used for providing a benefit for the individual or for enabling a benefit to be provided for him .
3 I do not feel it necessary to add anything about the numerous authorities referred to in the learned arguments addressed to us , because the decision turns on a question of fact , whether the consideration for the promise is proved as pleaded .
4 Genesis 1:2 , 5 , ‘ the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters ’ may indicate a creative function for the Spirit , but may equally describe the chaos referred to in the earlier part of that verse , ‘ the earth was without form and void , and darkness was upon the face of the water ’ : and ‘ a ruach adonai , a mighty hurricane from God , was moving over the expanse of the unruly waters ’ may be a better translation .
5 But consider the phrase ‘ at the time when a person referred to in paragraph 1 becomes entitled to invoke the rules referred to in the preceding paragraph ’ .
6 Some of the information provided to you will also be contained in the minutes of meetings referred to in the following paragraph .
7 In a more romantic mode , it is as though a thousand lone voices have suddenly and unexpectedly found common cause in one majestic chorus , which is now drowning out the discordant notes heard from beyond the main stage .
8 In the final analysis , collective security was founded on what Nizan referred to as the Soviet formula of " treaties accessible to everyone " , not on the Hitlerian formula of " treaties accessible to a few at the exclusion of everyone else " , Nizan ceaselessly denounced all attempts to reduce international diplomacy to what he disparagingly termed " private agreements between gang leaders " .
9 The prosecution must establish that all the elements of the crime relied upon as the unlawful act were present , and this includes the mental elements of intent or recklessness in assault or battery .
10 This , the Lower Limestone of 19th century surveyors , passes up into a thick sequence of sandstones and shales with thin limestones referred to as the Middle Limestone or ‘ Calp ’ .
11 ‘ In applying the national law and in particular the provisions of a national law specifically introduced in order to implement Directive 76/207 , national courts are required to interpret their national law in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result referred to in the third paragraph of Article 189 .
12 When you hear some figure referred to as the federal deficit , that is after this convenient bit of jiggery-pokery .
13 Another group of plants adopting a similar strategy to the cycads arose at about the same time .
14 Only late in his life did he undertake an analysis of the economic basis of imperialism , and even then he brought together a number of particular observations rather than formulating a specific alternative to the Marxist theory , such as Schumpeter produced at about the same time .
15 What I was trying to say that the for the fire fighter decision about was very boo 'd upon to the professional advice of our Chief Fire Officers and they have a good for eighteen months of how we are doing this fire fighting in Hertfordshire .
16 The Roots , a drawing done at about the same time as Sorrow , was conceived quite deliberately as a companion piece , He paired them because he was trying to say the same thing in both .
17 Simultaneously with clinical observations such as these , academic psychologists were also beginning to incorporate a similar idea into their models of normal cognitive functioning and most contemporary theories of human information processing contain the notion of a mechanism that screens and selects the products of consciousness ; necessarily so , since organised thought would be impossible without some device that allows the mind to choose from among the many stimuli — both internal and external — with which it is constantly bombarded .
18 The find comprises five busts of various Roman divinities , two handles in the shape of lionheads and three winged brass sea-leopards dating from around the second to the third century AD .
19 They know that there will be subjects to choose between at the right moment ( or , sometimes , subjects for which their children will not be chosen ) and they associate the chances of doing well at , for instance , GCSE level in mathematics with being good at maths in the primary school .
20 The deal is not affected by this week 's decision to slow down part of the emergency aid agreed upon by the Twelve in December because of the repression in the Baltic republics .
21 In 1985 , capital expenditure for air pollution control was estimated to have cost industry $10.5 billion , with operation and maintenance costs at about the same level .
22 What Bartlett and Ghoshal refer to as the global company is alleged to be the result of Japanese practice developed in the 1960s and 1970s .
23 And sometimes non-standard discount is given , a pig to deal with on the old system , but if you could add one extra input box on that screen there …
24 An operation by Turkey to divert the flow of the Euphrates river away from Syria and Iraq in order to fill the reservoir behind the newly constructed Ataturk dam ( believed to be the fifth largest in the world ) was begun on Jan. 13 in a ceremony presided over by the Turkish President , Turgut Özal .
25 The starting points for the revision of the existing Conventions of 1905 and 1954 were a dissatisfaction with the indirect consular channel , as being inappropriate in current conditions , and a concern that the non-obligatory nature of the channels provided for in the existing text enabled some countries to make use of the system of notification au parquet to which increasing exception was taken .
26 A number of these things that I have already raised this morning are perhaps are , er primary phase issues rather than secondary but we must remember that the pressures on secondary schools continue as in the primary phase and finally another concern which you are all very well aware of and which particularly if you 're governors you will have drawn to your attention constantly is erm the continuing concern about our educational building stock both in terms of its adequacy as regards the size and the capacity of the accommodation at , where some schools are concerned its need for repair and maintenance work and its need for adaptation to meet the new demands of the curriculum .
27 Patronage in effect chose from among the qualified candidates those whose rise would be accelerated , and its advantages in easing the movement upwards on a rapidly narrowing ladder is evident .
28 PHOTO-FILE exclusive : this old picture of Doonican shows what the Irish rocker looked like in the old days before he actually joined Happy Mondays as trumpet player .
29 PHOTO-FILE exclusive : this old picture of Doonican shows what the Irish rocker looked like in the old days before he actually joined Happy Mondays as trumpet player .
30 On his right in the luminous water of the second flood of the day were dotted little green islands , and the chug of an occasional motor boat echoed from beyond the marshy river mouths on the far side of the stretch of water , rivers full of reeds and duck , up which were villages with stone bridges and beyond which was heathland and peace .
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