Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] no [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The chairman has received no reply to her letter re the trees at this location but will write again .
2 My mind had found no solution to the puzzle when Seddon came in .
3 He had glanced laughingly at Joe , and Joe had known he was describing his future wife , but his words had brought no consolation to him …
4 Up until now Minton 's homosexuality had presented no bar to friendship with female students .
5 It may be the only method of ensuring this , as when a completely new requirement arises bearing no relation to current practice in the company .
6 It may be true that the life we destroy is in the main of the lower orders or minute forms , but it is none the less destruction of life for all that , and since ahi involves doing no injury to any form of life , it follows that no matter how careful and compassionate and self-restrained a person may be he can not entirely escape committing hi sā .
7 The BSI decided to raise no objection to the use of the ‘ f ’ spelling in international standards .
8 Just because the recogniser has little confidence in a particular character need bear no resemblance to whether or not that is the incorrect character in a misspelled word .
9 So far in the post-war period this belief has borne no resemblance to reality .
10 Cleveland county highways authority decided to take no action to a request from Middlesbrough council to stop vehicles turning right from Acklam crematorium onto Acklam Road .
11 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
12 In response to this situation ‘ the national government has made no response to the problem of erosion , and none is planned ’ !
13 Urban motorways have proved no solution to Britain 's chronic traffic congestion — indeed some say they have made it worse .
14 According to Gandhi , ahi sā in its negative form involves doing no injury to any living being either physically or mentally .
15 Yet he saw the danger in making these communities an ideal , as he turned an anthropological eye on Christianity and perceived that such examples seem to proffer no solution to industrial urban and suburban existence — the way most people live .
16 For a long time , he continued , the Crown authorities had paid no attention to ‘ this clamour ’ but then a decision had been taken to recommend a free pardon .
17 If the AEC had made no difference to the male participants with five or more preconvictions we would expect over half of them to have been reconvicted .
18 The past century has seen the standard form of family trust change from the old strict settlement based on successive limited interests and designed to keep specific land in the family , to the discretionary trust of personalty designed to give no interest to anybody for inheritance tax purposes .
19 Industrial expansion had brought no prosperity to the majority of the population .
20 In such a perfectly mobile society , the social position of the individual need bear no relation to the social position of his family of origin .
21 Phonogram have made no difference to what we sign and choose to put out .
22 In a sense John Redburn 's death had made no difference to Lucasta Redburn .
23 In their few days together Thomas had made no reference to that night in the car when he had asked her to touch him , there .
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