Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] at [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Brussels-based La Generale de Banque SA expects to save at least 50% on its yearly administrative costs once all of its telephone bills have been incorporated into the Electronic Data Interchange system it has been developing with state telecommunications operator Belgacom , says Thierry Gilmont , process manager at the bank .
2 If the transactions are found to be lawful and enforceable and interest rates remain high , the council stands to lose at least £69.1 million - the estimated negative value of its portfolio in February .
3 I have observed that brichardi left with their parents stop growing at about 1¼″ — in the confines of an aquarium they are likely to be killed if they grow any larger .
4 The rich countries reckon to have at least 95% of their adults literate .
5 Tajan hoped to recuperate at least part of the FFr30 million by holding another auction in Tokyo last June ( see The Art Newspaper No.16 , March 1992 , p.18 ) .
6 Organisers hope to raise at least £5,000 for Help the Aged .
7 Professional investors have put at least $5 billion to work on the short side of the market .
8 Most GCE entrants have attained at least grades A , A , B.
9 SCO claims 28% of all Unixes sold on all platforms against SunSoft 's 25% , though Open Desktop sales remain stuck at around 35% of its business instead of the 60% it envisaged at the launch of Open Desktop 2.0 this time last year .
10 These rates are likely to be at least matched in the 1990s when , between 1987–8 and 1992–3 , the corporation plans to invest at least £600 million — half through land sales and half through central grant ( LDDC , 1987 ) .
11 About three-quarters of the most senior teachers had seen at least part of the booklet , whereas only 15 per cent of the most junior had , with 60 per cent and 40 per cent for the upper and lower middle status categories respectively .
12 After hearing several witnesses , including Aviv and the Observer 's reporter John Merritt , who had interviewed him in November 1989 , Magistrate Judge Ross found that Aviv had divulged at least part of his report to Merritt and had thereby waived work-product protection .
13 RECENT floods in southern Iran have caused at least $300 million of damage , destroying more than 130,000 houses , Tehran Radio has reported .
14 ITV and Scottish Television have a contract for TV coverage , but the project needs to attract at least £15m in sponsorship and advertising of various kinds .
15 Mr Thomas also claimed the taxpayer had lost at least £29 million as a result of the 1990 sale of the Post Office 's Girobank operations to the Alliance & Leicester building society , in preference to the Co-op Bank 's bid .
16 Railfreight said all the physical difficulties could be overcome with investment , but all the options seemed to start at about £100,000 .
17 The film had cost at least $25 million ( and may have soared as high as $33 million if all costs were considered ) which , in 1970 dollars , put it way above the epic category .
18 Larry 's mother had seen at least part of this .
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