Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 The first computer dedicated solely to investigating climate change has begun operations at the Meteorological Office 's Hadley Centre at Bracknell .
2 Earlier that same day Gorbachev had told workers at the Minsk tractor works that Yeltsin 's political aims " diverge from the goals of perestroika " .
3 Price cutting had maintained volumes at the expense of margins , but reservations since the start of the year had been encouraging , he said .
4 Since 1986 over 1.5 million visitors have attended exhibitions at the following venues :
5 Readers are then advised to watch out for transfers between balance sheet and p&l account to identify cases where companies have enhanced profits at the expense of their balance sheets .
6 In principle only the difference signal between the noninverting and inverting inputs is amplified ; like input signals at the two inputs create cancelling signals at the output .
7 Sectional groups like the Fascist Union of British Workers tried to organize strikes at the Firestone works in Brentford and on Birmingham buses .
8 Haacke has provoked resignations at the Guggenheim , and storms at the Tate over Charles Saatchi .
9 Candy Morris has amazed doctors at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford.Just two weeks ago her foot was almost severed when she fell into this shredding machine at her own paper baling business .
10 In 1978 and 1980 two independent German studies reported that , in German firms surveyed , robots had replaced workers at the rate of between two and four men per robot per shift .
11 Jennings and Robson obtained teaching appointments at the LSE in the 1920s and were greatly influenced by Laski .
12 A breakdown of the trades involved in the faults appears to show bricklayers at the top of the blacklist .
13 In an 1884 case , the Divisional Court held that an artisan whose wife had bought blankets at the door for 22/6d when he had given her permission to spend but 17/6d , could not be held liable for the extra sum .
14 He raised the receiver to his ear and waited , his face pale in the subdued light of the room , impatience beginning to mark lines at the edge of his lips .
15 As the inquiries continue , relatives and friends have placed flowers at the riverside where Tania 's car was found .
16 It was with Mel helping to dominate matters at the heart of the Palace rearguard that our club earned its first-ever place in Division One in 1969 , and then , alongside evergreen John McCormick , Mel matured into one of the best uncapped centre-halves in the top flight .
17 Five local schools are now involved and the province has started teams at the under 17 and 19 levels .
18 Glasgow had taken wings at the end of the 19th century .
19 Once or twice Bully had made bites at the basket .
20 Voters have voiced complaints at the elections being held before the trials begin , and before Mr Papandreou has a chance to prove his innocence .
21 Claims in a leaked report circulated by French officials at the meeting , purporting to show that MacSharry had offered concessions at the Chicago talks inconsistent with the CAP , were dismissed on Nov. 16 as " fantastic " by the UK Agriculture Minister John Gummer .
22 The £10,000 scheme has lifted spirits at the school which is close to imported coal mountains at Gladstone Dock .
23 Lazarene boys came to throw kisses at the trucks as they left , Justinette and Elice trying to squeeze through the open windows , catcalling back .
24 On one of these dates , Wednesday 20 October , the Faculty of Science and Engineering is holding an Information Day , specifically for students wishing to visit departments at the science and engineering campus before finalising their application for a university place .
25 The final communiqué of the Turnberry meeting noted that the ministers had instructed negotiators at the CFE talks to pursue " new approaches " , particularly on the numbers of aircraft and armour and on verification , in order to speed up progress towards a CFE agreement in 1990 .
26 A letter from the Highways Department stating the Lothian Regional Council propose to promote an Order to introduce waiting restrictions at the junction of Lanark Road and Baberton Avenue .
27 It also meant reassuring West European countries worried about a unified Germany that America intended to maintain troops at the heart of the continent .
28 For the last two years Bob Mayhew has given demonstrations at the Horse and Rider Show which have proved very popular , and this year has been requested to give a teach-in at the Olympia Christmas Show .
29 To me , subsidiarity means taking decisions at the most appropriate level , whether it be European , national , regional or local .
30 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
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