Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Champagne became established as a political unit in the early eleventh century when the house of Vermandois united the counties of Troyes and Meaux .
2 NEC is to develop a special version of its UP 4800 server series for Control Data , with shipments expected to begin in the second half of 1993 .
3 After all , if ‘ the system ’ really was bent upon the form of totalizing control that according to Foucault psychoanalysis , for example , enables , it is worth recalling that psychoanalysis has never been adopted by the state as such and that its activities remain confined to a few very limited districts in a handful of prosperous cities round the world .
4 You can really only make your decision to go netting in a particular area that same day .
5 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
6 In rural areas the school frequently serves as a focal point for the local community — its removal can have a detrimental effect in that it may become increasingly difficult to attract new families to settle , the younger age groups tend to drift towards the neighbouring towns and the average age of the remaining inhabitants goes on rising .
7 These groups tend to locate in the older urban cores as a result of factors examined earlier .
8 Although both groups tend to appear as a limited disease , most cases being in stage I-IIE , the morphohistological subtype seems to be a decisive factor in dissemination , as only one case ( 5% ) of low grade/mixed grade compared with 20% of the patients with high grade were classified as stage IV .
9 Target-oriented programmes tend to concentrate on a small number of permanent or semi-permanent methods ( sterilisation or IUD ) to minimise dropout rates .
10 Criminal laws aimed at regulating corporate activities tend to refer to a specific rather than a general class of behaviour .
11 Via Rostovtsev , Pozen 's conservative opinions became enshrined in the Main Committee 's unimaginative April programme .
12 As an assistant in early 1643 to John Rushworth [ q.v. ] , clerk-assistant of the House of Commons , Mabbott became connected with the parliamentary army secretariat and acted as agent for the army , mainly in London , throughout the civil war and interregnum .
13 In both types of chromatography , portions of each component remain dissolved in the mobile phase .
14 In return the states agreed to co-operate with the federal government in reducing duplication of health and welfare services , cutting losses in state-owned businesses , co-ordinating infrastructure spending , and harmonizing regulations in areas such as environmental protection and professional qualifications .
15 Autobiographies , ghosted or not , and ‘ humorous ’ essays tend to lurk in the literary equivalent of shark-infested waters .
16 In the context of the mobilisation and assertiveness of organised labour under Heath 's government , the industrial policy proposals became charged with a stronger element of workers ' control which was seen as an essential component of the ‘ planning agreements ’ to be made with large enterprises , and vital to their enforcement .
17 Temple became known as a local Gretna Green and an historian of the time commented , ‘ Many a bad marriage bargain is there slubbered up ( sic ) and grass widows with their fatlings put to lie in and nurse here ’ .
18 The first time they tried out death in the arena the Christian got infected by the general bloodlust and bit the lion .
19 At the meeting on the 5 November the BSI Standards Board agreed to recommend to the BSI Main Board , which met on the 28 November , that the new body be permanently established .
20 ‘ Or there 's the chance Mills got murdered by a sadistic lunatic , ’ Urquhart added .
21 But there was to be no repeat performance as the 2-5 favourite failed to sparkle in the two and a quarter mile Haldon Gold Cup .
22 A similar campaign finance bill ( including the honoraria ban and limitation on outside income ) was passed by the Senate in 1990 but was lost at the end of the congressional session when the two Houses failed to agree upon the final form of the legislation .
23 Male and female take turns to perch on the bulky drum-nest of seaweed , incubating the single stained white egg .
24 ‘ The opening of our new office demonstrates our commitment to our future involvement in Slovakia and gives us the opportunity to continue to build on the excellent relations that have already been established , ’ he added .
25 At the same time , British Rail agreed to withdraw for the next six months a proposed price increase for carrying the high quality limestone to the BS works at Redcar .
26 His ghost became known as the Bad Lord , it being a noxious POLTERGEIST who irritates the family 's descendants more as time goes by — roaring in the cellars , splintering furniture and frightening maidservants .
27 WE WERE sailing from the Queensland port of Cairns to go diving on the Great Barrier Reef .
28 The enactment of the hunt and the practice of imitative magic to ensure success at the kill became fossilized as a widespread and regular feature of the seasonal festivities .
29 I began by learning a bit of the trade and spent a summer up at Glenfiddich helping to put in a new storehouse .
30 The area north of Bedford House , which itself was just north of the Green , consisted of orchard and market garden land , so Mr. Carr 's idea led to the area of Bedford Park becoming known as the first Garden Suburb , with three principal architects designing the buildings , Norman Shaw , E.W. Godwin and E.T .
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