Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] [noun sg] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Teachers were promised salary increases and better social security facilities , while the ministry agreed to increase expenditure on education and set up a joint planning agreement with ANDES .
2 It has set up a unit to develop OTC drugs because it believes the Government 's health experts want to reduce reliance on prescription drugs as part of cost-cutting measures .
3 If you roll a HIT on the scatter dice and numbers on the artillery dice then the numbers are ignored — they have no effect — the Doom Diver has landed smack on target .
4 A resistance leader in the eight-year colonial war against France , Ben Bella had become President on independence in 1962 .
5 Recorded rates of notified crime have increased year on year by 5.5% on average , and by a massive 16% in 1990–91 .
6 Parents race to send son on trip of hope
7 Most of mining has taken place on greenfield sites , and the quality of restoration and aftercare rarely compensates for the loss of visual appeal or wildlife habitat of the land sacrificed for so- called cheap energy .
8 The easiest part is to work out what would happen to the waters of the lake itself ; but for this , Dr Hollis had to pool information on rainfall , evaporation , the flow and salinity of the rivers , and the level , volume , and salinity of the lake , over as many years as possible ( in practice thirty ) and feed this into a computer .
9 So far , the SQL Access Group has begun development on definition access control and authentication ; networking extensions ; code types for SQL data types and definitions for SQL objects , which include things such as database schemas and tables .
10 It will be recognising that social workers need to spend time on practice placements abroad , and that social workers from other countries need to come here .
11 In just a few years , Chilean fishermen have inflicted damage on dolphin stocks which will take decades , if not centuries , to repair .
12 According to the new Namibian constitution , individuals have the right to demand environmental protection from the government , a right that the Namibia Animal Action Group ( NAAG ) and the Windhoek branch of Earthlife Africa intend to use if the DSF fails to publish information on seal harvesting .
13 Most of the techniques used to develop detail on cut faces of slices or plaquettes are non-destructive , so that a different technique can be used on the same face after washing or re-polishing .
14 Quite a lot of people listened to light music on Radio Luxembourg .
15 Labour council chiefs agree to hold vote on water
16 As a result , artists feel that if they have parted company with their manager after three years it is unfair if their previous manager continues to take commission on album sales for another seven years .
17 Although the terms of the motion to be debated are supportive of government economic policy , a significant number of constituencies have criticised over-reliance on interest rates as an instrument of economic regulation .
18 She said : ‘ Very few SSDs have taken action on heterosexism and they have to face the fact that many people are implicitly heterosexist .
19 As long as man has lain stone on stone , people have argued the need to show a respect for the work of their forebears .
20 Thames Valley has campaigned year on year for more officers and resources to meet increasing demand .
21 A spokesman said : ‘ These include Government plans to charge VAT on coal , gas and electricity bills — a move which could hit the pockets of millions of older people throughout the UK , including many of the 100,000 pensioners in Northern Ireland , who are already struggling to survive on low pensions and reduced income . ’
22 News coming out recently from financial and government circles indicating government plans to increase duty on paper to 15% was met with dismay .
23 Buoyed by an election victory in which the Opposition 's commitment to unilateral nuclear disarmament had appeared a vote loser , the Government proceeded to deploy cruise on schedule in 1983 .
24 Time to install application — number of minutes taken to install application on target machine , which should also be noted as MHz of CPU and Hard Disk access time is also relevant in installation time .
25 It is an argument not for training boards with a lot of bureaucracy , but for the present successful French policy where every employer has to spend money on training .
26 DAVE HEYES and Peter Potter combined to keep Carborundum on top of the West Lancashire Cricket League .
27 So far , SAG has begun development on definition access control and authentication ; networking extensions ; code types for SQL data types and definitions for SQL objects , which include things like database schemas and tables .
28 Although the EC has reached agreement on product safety , there 's some concern that dangerous goods banned here , like flammable foam furniture , may be sold in Britain .
29 But penalising gas — the ‘ greenest ’ of the hydrocarbon fuels because of its low level of carbon dioxide emission — would run counter to EC plans to base taxation on carbon content .
30 Specifically , the Cairns group members have told trade officials meeting in Geneva that they will obstruct progress on the Uruguay round of tariff-reductions under the CATT unless Europe and America start to talk sense on agriculture .
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