Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun] [prep] his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Paris 's leading photographer launches exhibition of his life 's work .
2 The Utah team 's experience nursing Clark through his succession of crises will inevitable produce dividends for future heart patients .
3 In his will ( PCC 147 PENN ) , dated July 1670 , Mills made bequests to his wife Elizabeth , his son Peter , and his nine grandchildren by his four daughters .
4 Asa wiped blood from his cheek .
5 ABOVE A father barn owl bringing food to his mate and chicks .
6 When the messenger arrived in his camp bringing news of his call to the throne , all Imrik said was ‘ Why ? ’ , and upon being told of the murders , he commented ‘ Bad , very bad ’ , which was considered quite long-winded for him .
7 The Prince rebuked Ken for his interference and threatened to have him dismissed .
8 The discourse analyst attempts to discover regularities in his data and to describe them .
9 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
10 For such a slight figure , he had surprisingly little difficulty slinging Zambia over his shoulder .
11 In early 1186 the governor-general of the Netherlands visited Vienna with his wife , the Archduchess Christine , sister of the emperor .
12 Kirov dismissed Ybreska from his mind as he strolled leisurely through the streets .
13 AS a painter , Minton found outlet for his work not only through the Lefevre Gallery , but also through the London Group , the Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions and other group shows .
14 The field man 's vulnerability to criticism from his superiors has implications for his decisions as to the circumstances in which action on his part is warranted .
15 Lindsey gasped as her legs made contact with his thighs , a shockwave running through her as his hands moved to encircle her waist .
16 King David appointed Walter as his Steward .
17 During this time his family and lawyer sought information on his whereabouts , but received no response .
18 After the latter 's death in 1947 , Kathleen became mistress of his household and his wife in 1954 .
19 Crossley wiped perspiration from his face and looked at his watch .
20 As the ANC renewed its calls for a transitional government , President F. W. de Klerk was forced to make Cabinet changes in an attempt to restore credibility to his government .
21 Schellenberg wiped soap from his face .
22 ‘ Oh , for the — ’ Travis caught hold of his temper , speaking softly through clenched teeth .
23 Inspector Cotton has oversight of his cases .
24 Peer of the prison cell has time on his hands
25 This impossible quest , which indirectly leads to the undoing of Thingol 's own elvish kingdom , is only possible because Luthien accompanies Beren on his journey .
26 The hot cinder falling from the grate jerked Fred from his thoughts and he licked his fingers and quickly tossed it back on to the fire .
27 For each item , the children either had to complete a sentence , such as Snoopy has cream on his face so … or they were given a description of the clue , such as The clue is that Snoopy has cream on his face , and were asked to tell the Pink Panther about the clue and what they had worked out .
28 For each item , the children either had to complete a sentence , such as Snoopy has cream on his face so … or they were given a description of the clue , such as The clue is that Snoopy has cream on his face , and were asked to tell the Pink Panther about the clue and what they had worked out .
29 When the unions took industrial action against a no-strike clause in the latest contract proposals , Murdoch moved production of his papers overnight to the plant at Wapping — previously said to be for the News of the World alone .
30 But , even though Sir Hugo Mallinger holds parties for his tenants in the gallery he has built above his cloisters , the social dimension that Disraeli liked to imagine is not a conspicuous aspect of such houses as it is of St Genevieve .
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