Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The " Hallelujah lasses " had been used to raising their own voices in protest and employing some fairly dramatic methods to attract attention from the time Catherine Booth took up the cudgels on behalf of women in the early days of the movement .
2 Direct visualization of vector and covector components in space–time meets difficulties with the time components because we can only draw Euclidean spaces in our three-dimensional world .
3 If the relocation takes place at a time when it is important for a child to complete a course of education , e.g. GCE examinations , the company will pay reasonable board and lodging costs for the child up to a maximum of £200 per month for the remainder of that school term or until all examinations are complete within that academic year .
4 That MP was the minister of the previous administration having responsibility at the time for the administration of civil aviation .
5 As a result , the purchaser can now be held responsible for all dismissal claims by employees dismissed in connection with the sale even if the dismissals took place at a time earlier than literally " immediately before " the transfer .
6 This left-wing revival among the electorate took place at a time when some devoted socialists were becoming disillusioned with the prospects of actually accomplishing any sort of social revolution during the war itself .
7 When Tom Wilmot at Harvard told dealers around the time of Big Bang : " You should all understand thoroughly what 's going on .
8 In the context of inflationary scenarios this formation takes place at a time ( refs 14 , 15 ) .
9 Nobutoshi Akao takes office at a time when the country is increasingly coming under fire from environmentalists for ignoring global priorities .
10 Though it has n't been ruled out , another British airlift seems unlikeley for the time being .
11 The session took place at a time of intense political debate in China , with Deng Xiaoping , the country 's " elder statesman " leader , leading a drive for the implementation of more fundamental economic reforms [ see pp. 38813-14 ; 38764 ; 38722 ] .
12 These industrialized countries have people with the time and money to travel .
13 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
14 At one level , June Braithwaite attacked Robert about the time he spent away from home and what he did and did not do for the children .
15 Chemical treatment with nitrogen , potassium and phosphate was introduced just before the war to increase production in a time when manpower was low .
16 The story of The Way To The Lantern is inspirational and tells of an actor called Robert during the time of the French Revolution who , by assuming different personae , evades the guillotine .
17 The conference took place at a time of great political turmoil , and there were calls for the resignation of President Collor and an end to corruption .
18 Grant applications have to be made to the EC , the Rural Development Commission and the Department of the Environment , with approvals taking months at a time when speed is of the essence .
19 The Spanish Civil War took place at a time of growing tension in Europe , on account of the increasingly belligerent attitude of Hitler 's Germany and the less bellicose , but also expansionist , intentions of fascist Italy .
20 The attempt to impose stricter limits on arms exports followed criticism at the time of the Gulf War of German weapons sales to Iraq over a long period [ see pp. 37639 ; 37471 ; 36498 ] .
21 Mr. Arlidge 's argument is as follows : The word ‘ defer ’ in this context means ‘ put off ’ or ‘ postpone ’ or ‘ delay ’ and that if a trial takes place after a time which is obviously longer than that normally required for the preparation of a trial of that nature , then there has been the kind of delay prohibited by the statute .
22 This was , again as in the past , a genuine form of public entertainment ; printed programmes giving details of the time and place of the entry and of the carriages and costumes were sometimes sold to potential spectators .
23 Even though caring meant postponing many of the plans Mary and Jim had for their retirement , when her father died , Mary expressed satisfaction about the time spent caring for him .
24 True , but in some cases that did not amount to all that much , and while inter-war legislation obviously provided the experience for the post-war Planning Acts which followed , the development of statutory land-use control took place at a time when particular environmental changes seemed to be little affected by formal planning powers .
25 Patients taking sulphasalazine at the time of onset of relapse continued on this drug .
26 Since the arms trade brings income at a time of serious recession , people are employed to use all their marketing skills to persuade other countries to buy our military goods .
27 This approach enabled us to evaluate UOS function under standard conditions with adequate control for the influence of level of arousal , and also provided the opportunity to analyse events around the time of occurrence of spontaneous episodes of gastro-oesophageal reflux .
28 Early trials of the new drug took place at a time when the transplantation of kidneys and other organs was being vigorously investigated .
29 The church cost £2,000 at the time .
30 Economics students defected 60% of the time ; non-economists defected 39% of the time .
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