Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many investigations involve cases where the evidence is incontestable .
2 The law on recovery of economic loss presents problems where the consumer was a donnee , or where insolvency prevents a contract action .
3 Furthermore , if Chemical did hand back the plane to Boeing , it would be at an effective cost to Virgin of a further $10m — the amount by which the plane 's value had increased in the time Virgin had owned it .
4 The giant king crabs choose nights when the tide is highest and the moon full .
5 Therefore , to catch the accused the appropriation must be read as a continuing act to include situations where the taking is not by force but there is a struggle afterwards .
6 It requires a winter resting period when the temperature should be reduced to below 60°F .
7 The cast shadows of the buildings fall across this patter ; shadow plus reflection gives areas where the blue of the sky reflects most strongly .
8 Withdrawn — this category includes cases where the candidate :
9 Paying off the mortgage created difficulties when the income from the farm declined during the bad times , which was more often than not , when prices fell for our sheep , cattle and produce .
10 Reacting against the economic nationalism of 1916 , Morel attacked ( in capital letters ! ) those who sought ‘ TO PREVENT THE BRITISH WORKING CLASSES FROM TRADING WITH THE GERMAN WORKING CLASSES WHEN THE WAR IS OVER . ’
11 A tinch less rigorous , though : Monboddo believed that monkeys became men when the practice of sitting down eventually eroded their tails .
12 If the import of goods exceeds exports then the country is said to have an adverse balance of trade or a trading deficit .
13 er Abraham Lincoln actually supported a constitutional amendment which would guarantee the right of people to own slaves so the idea of Lincoln the great emancipator and friend of black people , it needs to be corrected slightly .
14 It is better to exclude the guarantor as one of the parties to the lease to avoid problems where the lease contains reference to " the consent of the parties " thereby including the guarantor .
15 We identify an ideal where there is a public competition policy institution empowered to identify , investigate , and propose remedies for failures of competition , with a competition tribunal to review cases where the institution is proposing fines for abuses , or where the firms are unwilling to accept the initial findings .
16 But it is in the employees that Parker places his faith : ‘ This is a people-intensive business , ’ he proclaims and points out that 77% of the workforce bought shares when the firm was floated in September 1989 and that 75% still hold them .
17 The guide discusses circumstances where the rule might not apply such as regular clients , commercial clients and cases of urgency .
18 Although tools have been developed allowing trained users to perform analysis quickly the process is demanding .
19 Though both Cable & Wireless and the Hong Kong Government sold shares when the company was floated on the stock market , the government is not thought likely to join in the sale of the stake to CITIC , though it is aware of the negotiations .
20 People stop having children when the future they face is too appalling .
21 Within the self-portraits , the photographic processes become tools whereby the artist is able to mould and form her own images .
22 GBH covers situations where the skin is not broken as in Wood ( 1830 ) 172 ER 749 , where a collar bone was broken .
23 The top and bottom are framed up with the pine overlapping 1⅛in all the way around so these panels can cap the sides and ends of the bellows box .
24 ‘ But I find that Algoflash reaches places even the lager could n't ’
25 in its primely purpose it has therefore undoubtedly be an outstanding success , but as the report makes way clear the experiment has had adverse to that effect , notably on the A one three four and on minor roads from the East on the A ten eighty eight .
26 This suggests that critical evaluation has point where the object in question is attributable to some person or group of persons .
27 There must always be good communications and liaison between the reception office and housekeeping department , because in order to sell accommodation efficiently the receptionist must be kept informed by the housekeeping department of the exact status of all rooms at all times .
28 Christian told Seb where the camp was to be .
29 Defence procurement minister Jonathan Aitken told MPs yesterday the Government hoped the threat of action would deter violations .
30 Another step in the clockwise direction can be produced by removing the excitation of stack B and exciting stack G. The final step of the sequence is to return the excitation to stack A. Again the stator and rotor teeth in stack A are fully aligned , except that the rotor has moved one rotor tooth pitch , i.e. the angle between adjacent rotor teeth defined in Fig.l .3(b) .
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