Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 Colleague , just one second , I do apologize for , for cutting in , but colleagues if you 're , if it 's your intention to leave Congress for a few moments please do it as quietly as possible .
2 We were told what to do and then left , as the instructor went to the other end of the loch to shout instructions at a few stranded boats .
3 it 's always a bit a it came home to me with great a vigour and enthusiasm when I was walking round the kitting station at R A F Innsworth with a supermarket trolley getting it filled with kit and when I got to the end they handed me my dog tags and my gun , I thought what have I let myself in for because I 'd never worn dog tags before and I 'd never had a gun with live ammunition in it that got strapped to my hip and you suddenly realise , I 'm going into a real war it was quite a nerve racking experience for a few days
4 Most of the C C P areas underwent reform in a few months .
5 She hoped to announce a new initiative to tackle unemployment within a few weeks .
6 The Exchange discourages the use of equity shares with no or restricted voting rights , so this can not normally be used as a device to retain control amongst a few shareholders with voting rights .
7 The nuclear explosive process that would obliterate a city involved a reaction taking place in a few hundred shakes .
8 The transition from one to the other takes place after a few seconds of observation , is discontinous and can not be stopped at in an intermediate position .
9 This is but a small selection of events and festivals taking place in a few of our worldwide destinations — an ideal and enjoyable way to appreciate the culture and local traditions in each country .
10 No. 11 Commando became involved in fighting the Vichy French in Syria , while No. 8 Commando took part in a few unsuccessful raids along the North African coast , transported into action by the Navy .
11 The evening shadows were now lengthening and the support crew had thoughts of a few points in their heads .
12 Therefore the few staff sit up late at night to prepare lectures on a few things they know about and a lot of things they know not much about , and spend their time keeping one page ahead of the class and depending on the textbook .
13 Silicon Graphics Inc 's Laboratories are piloting a 50Mhz R4000 microprocessor , with two other system vendors following suit in a few months , according to Electronic News .
14 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
15 Democratic centralism concentrates power in a few hands and at the end of the day produces decision rather than fudging .
16 ‘ This young lad was getting people to mind Sam for a few days at a time .
17 another driver says he came off in a field saw stars for a few seconds but he 's alright …
18 Anne studied Robyn for a few moments .
19 It is the second Worlingworth firm to face closure within a few weeks .
20 Morrison South was the subject of our most disappointing decision of the year when it became apparent that our continuing effort to sell homes from a few geographically diverse sites in southern California into a very weak market was proving too expensive a strategy .
21 Erika followed Karl with a few lithe strides .
22 Hubel and Wiesel showed that the properties of the neurons in the visual cortex were drastically changed by restricting the visual experience of an animal , provided that these restrictions took place during a few months early in life called the sensitive period .
23 Instead , I suggested Jeanne and John tire Moby with a few chase and throw-fetch games in the garden before taking him out for a walk on an extendable lead .
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