Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] over [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He swept the magazine into a drawer , then carried the tea mug over to the sink where he emptied it .
2 Get Dr Burney over to the mortuary .
3 In theory evacuation turned the child population over to the State — although , in practice , however much the TES called for it , government did not make evacuation compulsory .
4 We use to dig er , we use to dig er , we use to dig er , dig the old ice box over with the drinks in it , ice with the orange juice , and gin and tonic and all bloody sorts
5 But part of Intel 's de-emphasis is due to the fact that it believed the i860 would gather its own momentum as Microsoft Corp brought its New Technology operating system over to the chip .
6 The company also reports continuing strong sales of its Mips RISC-based systems in Europe and Asia , even though it is moving its product lines over to the Alpha AXP RISC .
7 Maybe there 's a radar station over in the woods , or maybe they want everyone to think there is . ’
8 They were in their second week when a nurse came one morning to take Anna Beckett over to the infirmary to see a physician .
9 The north works will close first in order that they can put his whole assembly process over in the Body Plant and that has major implications .
10 way down , was it Southampton somewhere ? and that was your ferry fare over for the day .
11 He carried the curved steel tray over to the cage and set it down just out of reach , leaving it in view as he went back for a chair .
12 These wagons had a different coupling system over in the island ; the sound of I O M shunting is quite different from mainland shunting , you do n't get the clunk of the links on a loose-coupled wagon but a delayed clank as the ‘ chopper ’ of one drops over the buffing plate of another .
13 But in the 35th minute Aussie Mark Mulligan and Dean Marwood combined to put hard-working prop Peter Riley over beneath the posts .
14 It was the ROC 's job to pass flight tracking information over to the RAF .
15 Following the first of his four goals in the 10th minute , Lyon raced on to skipper Shane Cooper 's long pass from the base of the scrum to put Kiwi Test centre Jarrod McCracken over for the opening try in the 22nd minute .
16 Slide the lace carriage over to the right .
17 He would certainly hand Oliver over to the police ; he had said he would tell the police about Alice and this was much , much worse .
18 There were no lights near by or below him but he could see the lake stretching into the night off to the left , its surface catching the lights of the buildings and city sky over by the edge of the Park .
19 The report was compiled by Kay with the help of Caroline Richmond , a journalist and the founder of the Campaign Against Health Fraud , now called HealthWatch ; it was Richmond who handed the draft report over to the court , against the college 's wishes .
20 Sign the list of property and hand valuables over to the manager for safe keeping .
21 And , four minutes later , Ropati 's Test colleague , pacy prop George Mann , brushed aside a couple of tackles to put Gary Connolly over in the corner .
22 The Commando mortar team over in the orchard made its presence known by dispatching a single H.E .
23 The voice came from one of the mortar team over by the orchard wall .
24 There were two mortar explosions over by the road , then all was fairly quiet except for the sound of firing away in the distance at the other end of the village , where I had been earlier on in the evening .
25 ( ALL includes hidden files , damaged files , in fact it will make a clone copy of the disk ) To use DISKCOPY simply place the Source disk in ( for example ) drive A : and the Destination disk in drive B : and type DISKCOPY A : B : If you only have one drive ( drive A : ) then type DISKCOPY A : A : and watch the screen for directions , as it will tell you when to swap the Source disk over for the Destination and vice versa .
26 But it is not yet clear if the Echo technology will be used in production release software from Apple , as there are at least two separate ongoing efforts within Apple to move the Mac environment over to the PowerPC , one using a large amount of translation , the other a large amount of emulation .
27 But it is not yet clear if the Echo technology will be used in production release software from Apple , as there are at least two separate ongoing efforts within Apple to move the Mac environment over to the PowerPC , one using a large amount of translation , the other a large amount of emulation .
28 I would have thought M C A might be the easiest way of doing it but I 'll think about it because the passenger could hand the M C A over to the agent , together with a little note that we have attached to it .
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