Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] they [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Your fingerprints were found on the spent shell cases they found on The Sandhopper 's deck .
2 Lisa Buckingham writes : Chemical companies have finally secured insurance to help them pay the costs of cleaning up the long term damage they do to the environment .
3 Which is why in the iron and steelmaking trade they refer to the molten iron as hot metal .
4 So this one would be called bute two E and so again , these are true positional isomers same carbon skeleton they differ in the position of the principle functional group , which in this case , has to be a special electrons .
5 It suggests that many primary teachers ( probably due to the inadequacy of their initial training ) do not understand the significance of the arts procedures they adopt in the classroom .
6 The operation was hideously expensive in lives , and yielded no immediate results ; yet as at Dien Bien Phu they crashed through the enemy 's psychological threshold .
7 After a leisurely drive through the spring sunshine they arrived in the broad main street of Chastlecombe just after four .
8 As suppliers base the price of the maintenance services they offer on the retail value of their kit — generally between 8% and 10% of costs — this trend will have a negative impact on suppliers ' profits .
9 On the first-floor terrace they sat at the round table while Roman did the honours with gin and tonics .
10 I need to know that it 's necessary to remove all those trees I 've been told all sorts of things like they 're in pots and they 'll become pot bound they 're growing outwards they might fall down they might fracture mains they block off the er view of the church well I think they 're a nice asset in the city centre .
11 At the first watering place they jumped from the open wagons and rushed to douse their burning clothes .
12 They said it was his hunting horn they heard in the forest . ’
13 Their aerial photographs he subjected to destructive scrutiny , the light crop lines they detected under the unbroken fields he dated several centuries later than the sacking of Aurae Phiala , the dark crop marks emerging so strongly in contrast he refused to consider as early Roman military lines , but set well back into pre-Roman settlement .
14 Some printers are attracted to dry-ice blasting because the cleaning processes they use at the moment require volatile chlorinated solvents and dangerous methyl ethyl ketones ( MEKs ) — not very environmentally friendly .
15 They wrote many letters on behalf of Mrs W. They wrote to the MP for Orkney and Shetland , Jim Wallace ; to Winnie Ewing , Member of the European Parliament for the Highlands and Islands , and to the Scottish Office .
16 At the cab rank they went to the shelter , where drivers could while away the night hours in warmth and obtain food .
17 The goals must be debated and discussed until their true implications are appreciated , then their application worked out in terms of the curriculum planning and development decisions they imply at the various stages of the educational process .
18 The distance estimate is important because astronomers use it as the first rung in the distance ladder they extend across the Universe .
19 Sitting in the lotus position they jumped into the air using their thighs to propel them off the ground .
20 You like the Californian Chablis or these plastic ducks they have on the wall ? "
21 It takes them long enough to cut a way through to the chimney of the air shaft , sawing through the rhodie branches and tearing away the brambles and other undergrowth ; then they lever off the iron grating over the shaft without any difficulty , and one of the younger cops , in an overall and a hard hat , wraps the rope around himself — proper climbing rope they had in the back of one of the Range Rovers — and abseils down into the darkness .
22 Their working contexts impose certain limits on what they are able to do ; for example , on how many journalists they can employ and on how much news space they have on the paper .
23 The staff members they deploy in the field to identify projects are under pressure from their senior management to turn such targets into reality .
24 I mean that , I was telling my mate Cheryl they come to the funeral , he ai n't fucking shown
25 Led by Hepworth Band they march through the village to Scholes , with stops en route for the singing of hymns .
26 Only those come through the door Telegraph thing they come through the door
27 At best , this will help to ensure that black workers remain in those employment sectors they entered in the boom years of the 50 's and 60's .
28 He was so efficient , I 'm wondering if he could do something about the disgusting chick pea casserole they serve on the Intercity 125 .
29 Chris and Caz are two soulmates who are disc-jockeys on a pirate radio station they run from the back of a North London garage .
30 After the World Cup they rose to the occasion and agreed on proposals which , when adopted next year , will fundamentally change the structure of the game .
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