Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] at the time when " in BNC.

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1 furthermore , patients who were obese , or actively having weight reduction at the time when the primary gall stones developed might , on achieving ideal body weight , no longer suffer this risk factor .
2 I buy used all the club money at the time when we bought it
3 Moreover , I was chairman of the Child Poverty Action Group at the time when you were commissioned to do research and prepare a pamphlet on ‘ Families with low income in London . ’
4 Frequently , senior executives are offered a termination package deal at the time when they are first told that it is likely or unavoidable that their job will come to an end .
5 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
6 They were art students at the time when art college was the bolthole for all the drug-deranged bongo bashers , paint flingers , crappy experimental film-makers and fanny dancers who thought being a student was a great doss but they were f—ed if they were going to read any books .
7 This would certainly be the case for someone like Gordon Cooke , the Free Presbyterian minister of Rasharkin , who found himself chairman of the ‘ parent ’ branch of the officially constituted Protestant Unionist Party largely because he was a strong supporter of Paisley 's political line and a leading evangelical in the Bannside area at the time when Paisley decided to stand against O'Neill .
8 That case also arose out of a motor accident at the time when the infant 's mother was carrying the unborn child .
9 Some say that hunting in old burned-over sites when the oak leaves first appear is a good and fruitful strategy , but others insist that morels are best collected in old apple orchards at the time when the lilacs bloom .
10 ‘ We were in a Stockton recording studio at the time when the MMB asked the guy who runs it for ideas of music and we were suggested , ’ says Meadows who with schooldays chum Anthony Roe are the lead vocals .
11 The Gnostic teacher , Cerinthus , was active in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote , and he taught that the heavenly Christ came upon the human Jesus only at his baptism , and left him before his passion : the union between them only seemed to be real -actually it was merely temporary .
12 The duty of determining such questions is cast by law , not upon the courts after the event , but upon the police authorities at the time when the decision has to be taken ; and a court which attempted to review such a decision from the point of view of its wisdom or prudence would ( I think ) be exceeding its proper functions .
13 This is because all that is needed is for Newco to be a close company and satisfy the relevant purpose test at the time when the managers subscribe their shares .
14 The role of control is to make decisions on certain aspects of system behaviour at the time when the relevant information becomes available .
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