Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb base] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Also have the inlet valve seats recut at the same time .
2 The pattern of both the muscles and the tendons of the chick limb respond to the same positional signals as the cartilage .
3 The success of get rich-quick schemes and some of the earlier pyramid ventures depend on the same thing .
4 When me and Frank were in the in Lo in London we got about fifty of these bloody E mail catalogue come in the same address .
5 Today most of the cutlery works remain in the same part of modern Sheffield .
6 In both these actions , the hammer beaks escape in the same way .
7 Here again Cramlington and North Shields belong within the same region , but region in this sense has different geographical boundaries from the standard planning region .
8 In Yorkshire and East Anglia trippers return to the same places .
9 This can be covered by the skirting board at the walls , or by a variety of mouldings such as stair-nose ( for edging the top stair ) , T-profile ( for where two wood floors join at the same level ) , and quadrant ( where you 've left the original skirting in place , or at a wall where there is no skirting ) .
10 However , a sound source in the ocean can make water molecules vibrate in the same way as a noise on land causes the vibration of air molecules .
11 Yet , perhaps because the eye and elbow joint develop in the same kind of way as our own eyes and elbows develop , a building process for which we , inside our mothers , claim no credit , we are illogically more impressed by the house .
12 Yet it must be the case that the two valuation methods lead to the same fair price , otherwise there is an inconsistency .
13 The cab came from a Massey-Ferguson 1200 and cost £600 , and a solid steel radiator surround from the same model was turned upside down and fitted to the new tractor .
14 Ms Tyson may protest too much ; but she could certainly argue that at no time in the previous two administrations did everyone involved in trade policy sing from the same songbook .
15 This artificial ash cliff is perhaps one of their last strongholds have also found refuge around our fire stations , protected from tramping feet and sheltered from chemical sprays these rare plants thrive in the damp salty margins alongside the ash lagoons all this within the boundaries with just a few of the country 's coal fired power stations but the need for sea walls of other coastal stations merely intake pipes to the coaling system , another world teams this is not a plant , fan worms have flowerlike mouth parts used to filter food from the sea water other worms use just two sticky tentacles to catch food shrimps forage over closely packed sea the delicate bodies of these printed vertebrates work as tiny water pumps , pulling water in one hole and pumping it through the other here two barnacles feed in the gentle flow of water over the cooling pipes from the station Marine life quickly packs the underwater structures and is about to become too thick and sometimes affect the performance of the machinery barnacles belong to the same family as crabs and lobsters , but being in their adult life standing on their head which is fixed to the concrete they use their feet to filter the water and kick food into their mouths but if they ca n't move , how do they get there so quickly in the first place ?
16 As far as noise reduction is concerned , sealed double glazing units have about the same value as having the window reglazed with glass twice as thick as the original glass .
17 The first and second layer spacing is obtained similarly from α c measured along directions for which the first and second layer atoms lie in the same place .
18 All subject committees meet on the same day .
19 Since coalification and oil and gas generation depend on the same diagenetic factors , namely temperature and heating time , coalification data can be matched with stages of oil and gas maturation .
20 We may agree with much of Wilson 's emphasis on the need for public policy that promotes universal programmes and increases employment and training opportunities open on the same basis to all people .
21 And they 've asked the Home Secretary to draw up nationwide guidelines to ensure all police forces act in the same way .
22 But this notion — that one set of activities is serious and therefore by implication another set must be non-serious — is a naive view , for it presupposes that first and second order experiences operate within the same frame and are therefore amenable to comparison .
23 Not only were the structures and systems of these departments inherited from Pretoria , but the genealogy of their staffing policies derive from the same origin .
24 A B-tree is balanced , in other words the tree is symmetrical so that all paths through it are the same length , so all leaf nodes appear on the same level , and carry no information .
25 Max homo-oligomers bind to the same DNA sequence yet they do not detectably transactivate , and they can antagonize the function of Myc+Max by occlusion of DNA binding sites .
26 SunSelect has licenced Bitstream Technology 's font handling technology , allowing Wabi users access to the same TrueType fonts as Windows users .
27 SunSelect has licensed Bitstream Technology Inc 's font handling technology , enabling Wabi users access to the same TrueType fonts as Windows users .
28 We find that Max homodimers bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc+Max but that they fail to transactivate and thus can antagonize Myc+Max function .
29 All air-fall pumice deposits originate in the same way — in Vesuvian or Plinian gas-blast eruptions which throw up dense clouds of ash tens of thousands of metres into the air .
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