Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [conj] at the same " in BNC.

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1 If the basis were significantly positive just prior to the delivery day , it would be possible to make substantial arbitrage profits by selling futures contracts and at the same time buying the underlying cash market goods in order to deliver them to the buyers of the contracts .
2 The sombre light , evoked through the use of half-tones , creates a brooding melancholy , binds together the complex figure groups and at the same time subdues the havoc surrounding the spotlit Nelson .
3 You can customise your data entry forms and at the same time create the database .
4 Chris Bird , exploration team leader of the Atlantic Frontier Programme said : ‘ The success of the survey has accelerated the whole ‘ 204 ’ exploration and appraisal programme and at the same time enabled us to obtain additional data on the area . ’
5 This would allow the Argentinians to stay well clear of the exclusion zone around the Falklands Islands while at the same time being able to attack ships anywhere inside it .
6 The Yugo ( nee Zastava ) , built in Yugoslavia , managed to escape the Iron Curtain car jokes but at the same time escaped , completely , the attention of press and public .
7 He will tell members of the county 's public protection committee that at the same time it has become increasingly difficult to man the main consumer advice centres in Durham , Darlington and Bishop Auckland .
8 For the past few years , Stoddard Sekers has provided practical and financial assistance enabling students to gain an understanding of the Textile industry and at the same time providing the company with an insight into what ‘ is going on today ’ in the various colleges .
9 Booz , Allen & Hamilton was forced to close down its executive search division in 1980 , when serious problems surfaced as a result of trying to carry on a recruiting business whilst at the same time having 3000 management consultancy clients on their books , who were more or less off-limits from the point of view of providing candidates for headhunting .
10 No one retained a broadcasting role and at the same time enjoyed a good salary .
11 Alternating euphoria and despair , intense struggle and the depths of apathy are found in Chopin 's piano music , which from exile in Paris celebrated Poland 's folk music and at the same time elevated it to the role of a respectable and specifically bourgeois art form .
12 Domestic monetary authorities had to hold dollar reserves to support their exchange rates in foreign exchange markets and at the same time currencies were officially convertible into gold via the dollar .
13 It became increasingly difficult to pay insurance and assistance benefits and at the same time keep them below the level of wages .
14 For example , because many farming families were able to afford sewing machines , the women in these families began to make all the clothes their families needed , thus increasing their already heavy work load but at the same time putting the Darzi or tailor-caste workers out of employment .
15 He says that he hopes that whoever buys the site will realise the historical significance of ths site and at the same time maintain the buildings .
16 The result was that the Ops inspectors were not only permitted but actually put under pressure to qualify and remain current on at least one large modern public transport aircraft while at the same time flying club and private aircraft as well .
17 It 'll complicate negotiations between Mr DeKlerk and Mr Mandela if at the same time as those negotiations continue , er Mrs Mandela is on trial which may of course be prolonged .
18 ‘ My father , Mr F. Lavender , was appointed Town Clerk of Bishop 's Castle in 1922 , in succession to Mr Ernest Griffiths and at the same time purchased the latter 's solicitors ’ practice and the old office building .
19 The study of personality structure , he argued , the genesis of which lies in social interaction , offers the beginning of a conceptual resolution of the old mind — body dichotomy while at the same time relating the individual to his social setting .
20 I juggle between putting on lucrative foreign language courses for the business world and at the same time offering a flexible service to the community , while maintaining and promoting tutors .
21 The pangolin is a forest animal and at the same time a taxonomic enigma : it cuts across several distinct categories in Lele zoology just as it does in ours .
22 Owing to their deep-rooted hostility towards the very concept of involuntary unemployment and their a priori conviction that the labour market clears ‘ more or less continuously ’ , new classical macroeconomists are driven to look beyond this obvious explanation towards hypotheses which account for the acknowledged phenomenon of business cycles while at the same time preserving intact their beliefs in the robustness of all markets , including the labour market .
23 Somehow the country has managed to consume more energy per capita than anywhere else other than rich ( and notoriously thriftless ) Canada and the United States and at the same time plunge into a state close to bankruptcy .
24 It is clear from thinking in Brussels and Paris that their views on international trade owe more to Friedrich List than to Adam Smith , although it is always surprising that they bemoan their countries ' so-called tutelage to the United States and at the same time attack the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power : why do they not realise that they should adopt economic liberalism as well ?
25 She had a thriving business in Wallingford High Street , before the recession hit her customers pockets and at the same time sent her overheads soaring .
26 There is even evidence to suggest that elephants existed as far as the Upper Euphrates basin as late as the first millennium B.C. Syrian ivory contributed to the supplies available to New Kingdom Egypt and at the same time provided the material for the flourishing school of ivory workers based on Tyre , the products of which enriched the civilizations of the east Mediterranean and Assyria .
27 Vicom says it incurred massive debt during the development its own proprietary visualisation line whilst at the same time taking over Sun 's products , and could n't attract the new development capital it required .
28 According to the Liberal-Irish alliance , the Irish party was supposed to abstain from the 1901 Conservative bill , aimed at bringing denominational schools in England and Wales into the national education system while at the same time absenting them from local government control : that is , giving finance while maintaining the system of denominational clerical control .
29 This is the so-called ‘ poverty-trap ’ of the lower paid : a small increase in earning takes them over a threshold , whereby they may lose certain welfare benefits and at the same time have to pay a disproportionately large increase in tax on their original income .
30 The scheme was set up to encourage a broader section of the public to buy works of art by living artists , thus opening up the art market while at the same time helping artists to earn an income .
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