Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [pron] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Your fingerprints were found on the spent shell cases they found on The Sandhopper 's deck .
2 Yet others fought and identified with a plethora of socialist and anarchist groups who fought on the Aragon front , in the defence of Madrid , and at the battle of Jarama in February 1937 .
3 Way , watching Faldo 's charge , told about his horror story which began on the eve of the Swiss Open .
4 The courage and dignity with which Arthur Ashe announced in New York that he has the AIDS virus , as a result of being given infected blood during one of the two major heart operations he underwent in the mid 1980's , was typical of one of the world 's most outstanding and gracious sportsmen .
5 In 1935 he helped to form the Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Company , and thus facilitated the development of the Hurricane aircraft which fought in the Battle of Britain ( 1940 ) .
6 Following some heroics from Bateman , France levelled through Olivier Camus who drove in the equaliser in the 66th minute .
7 In the camp canteen I looked for the woman who had encouraged me to come to what , by the minute , I was beginning to feel was a god-forsaken hole .
8 More easily comprehensible is the enormous success Wilcox enjoyed in the following year with Rookery Nook ( 1930 ) , the first of the Ben Travers farces he brought to the screen .
9 Joseph 's ‘ old wife ’ , Heyoom Yoyish ( Bear Crossing ) and daughter had fled during the opening battle , and were among some 230 Nez Perce who escaped from the Bear Paws to Sitting Bull 's camp in Canada .
10 And every waking hour she chipped at the ugly block , sanded , scored , chiselled , gouged gaping eye sockets .
11 From Las Vegas we travelled through the desert and Indian Territory to Yosemite National Park .
12 In order to wean the company away from a reliance on theatre plays , he set up a major script department which drew on the talents of writers like Frank Launder , Sidney Gilliatt , Val Guest and Michael Pertwee , as well as occasionally giving jobs to young writers like Christopher Isherwood .
13 When the programme was originally devised in the USA the families had a therapy aide who slept in the house and carried out the programme with the child .
14 Enthusiasts , such as the Nobel prizewinners who vouched for the SSC 's promise in Washington on April 13th , would point out that the SSC is not meant to boost the superconductor industry — it is meant to find new physics .
15 It 's a debate Howe understandably does does not want to enter into but he has noticed a similarity between the current team and the Arsenal side he coached to the Double 21 years ago — coincidentally , the same season the Blues won their last major honour , the Cup Winners ' Cup .
16 Designed for senior college management it dealt with the design and implementation of internal quality assurance systems for colleges .
17 A less stormy sequence of events lay behind the conclusion of an alliance between the houses of Foix-Béarn and L'Isle Jourdain , lords of the frontier zone which lay between the lands of Armagnac , Foix and the comté of Toulouse .
18 By contrast , the regulation of the international economy in earlier periods had been under the domination of London , pivoting around London 's capital markets and the pound sterling which acted as the main form of international money .
19 In the living room she sat by the fire and glanced again at the envelope .
20 The Revolutionary Tupac Amarú Movement ( MRTA ) was believed responsible for a car bomb which exploded outside the residence of the US ambassador during the night of Feb. 11-12 , killing three policemen and injuring several other people .
21 Will followed her willingly and listened while Hari explained that the boots were to be taken to Edward Morris who lived in the big white house in Chapel Street .
22 ‘ So it was Marie Savigny you killed in the forest outside Godstowe ? ’
23 ‘ No , ’ he yelled , reaching for the baseball bat he kept by the side of the bed for intruders and finding he could n't move his arm .
24 This unexpected move came at the end of an NPFL conference which called for the continuation of the peace process and the enforcement of the Yammoussoukro agreement as outlined in the Geneva agreement .
25 These considerations led to the awareness of the need for local crime surveys which focused on the crime problems of smaller geographical areas and their impact upon specific sub-groups of the population .
26 Er but , Collieries as they became , they did n't acc That was Lancaster , they did n't accept er the old unions , so they erm they belonged Both I ca n't on Friday night I used to the Methodist 's chapel to pay the old union subscription , and to the West to pay 's .
27 I du n no , they get in on a Friday night he said by the time we 've cashed up , when I got there they 'd got this round coffee table in the middle of the room similar to that brass one what I 'm but it 's an old tin thing it is sitting in the middle of the room there was a little bag of money there a little bag of money there and a bag of money there that 's Geoff 's money that 's petrol money that 's five hundred pound .
28 You can also visit the room of Tommaso Grossi , Manzoni 's lawyer friend who practised from the house .
29 The varnish held tiny , solid pieces of silver metal which stayed on the pieces of tissue Philippa was using and scratched the next nail she treated .
30 On the Saturday morning we shuffled into the camp 's concert hall for a ‘ plenary session ’ .
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