Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] the same way " in BNC.

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1 They are normally pinned to a pelmet board in the same way as a pelmet , through pocketed webbing tape , hand stitched to the back .
2 Protect it with Cuprinol green in the same way , similarly the timber of rustic arches and pergolas .
3 Control the nitrite levels in the same way as you did for ammonia and eventually you will reach a point where you will get a nil reading for both .
4 Exercise has not been included in this because too few people have a history of exercise attempts in the same way as they have diet attempts .
5 If they cause very high casualties the enemy units may have to take a panic test in the same way as for missile casualties .
6 BSAC medical officer Dr Peter Wilmhurst , of St Thomas ' Hospital , London , says : ‘ Divers are entitled to treatment under the NHS Act in the same way as a skater who breaks a leg on the ice or a rider who breaks his back falling off a horse .
7 Among other things , that paper proposed that sewerage charges should be separated out from the new council tax in the same way as water charges are at present separately levied .
8 Hold this left transfer tool in your left hand and take the three stitches at right of centre on to the second transfer tool in the same way .
9 This has met with considerable resistance from the staff who have pointed out that the smoking restrictions at Chesser House are merely a voluntary agreement and are not Council policy in the same way as restrictions at Regional Headquarters and Regional Chambers .
10 Well away from the clamour of the market , farmer Clifford Adams was busy cutting mistletoe in the same way as his father and grandfather before him .
11 Although specialist training is not a requirement to practise as a counsellor , a professional may occasionally refer a patient to a specialist counsellor in the same way that a doctor may refer medical problems to a specialist colleague .
12 After flushing out food residues they may be brushed with hot alkali degreaser solution in the same way a chest freezer is tackled .
13 Small children can sometimes be persuaded to eat cow cake in the same way that old people will eat cat food , but the chief result of all this farming was to produce huge food mountains which we could then refuse to give to the Third World , or to the socialists of Eastern Europe , in order to teach them the error of their ways .
14 VHS hi-fi stereo sound , unlike VHS mono , is encoded at high speed along with the picture signals in the same way as Video 8 hi-fi , and hence has the same high standard of audio quality .
15 Under the present system , gains and losses arising from currency fluctuations are not always taken into account for tax purposes in the same way , or even at all .
16 The USA 's answer , the Lockheed and Boeing SSTs — the latter cancelled by President Nixon in the same way Concorde was threatened with cancellation by the Wilson Labour Government — are also equally well documented .
17 The selection rules for Raman spectra are different , but parallel and perpendicular vibrations of symmetric tops may be distinguished by Raman band contours in the same way as described above for IR bands , although this may not be enough to allow us to assign symmetry species to all bands .
18 ‘ Of course , he could not frighten Sir Henry in the same way as Sir Charles .
19 Schools run themselves some have left the authority , we still have three education sub committees a major education committee , numerous sub groups and working parties and it 's gone time we recognised the changing world and streamlined the members side of the education department in the same way that the officer side 's been streamlined and slimmed down .
20 ( 3 ) Following the completion of the withdrawal of Soviet armed forces from the territory of the present GDR and Berlin , units of German armed forces assigned to military alliance structures in the same way as those in the rest of German territory may also be stationed in that part of Germany , but without nuclear weapon carriers .
21 In answer to a question from me , he suggested that the Bill affected all areas of the United Kingdom in the same way , with additional provision for Scotland in clause 17 .
22 The hon. Member for Stamford and Spalding ( Mr. Davies ) seems to want to treat the work force of the United Kingdom in the same way as he treats his sheep .
23 Section 2(1) of the Public Health ( Recurring Nuisances ) Act 1969 imposes a similar but lesser power : where a prohibition notice has not been complied with and the odour nuisance recurs , a local authority may institute summary proceedings , whereupon the Magistrates ' Court hearing the complaint shall have like power to make a nuisance order in the same way as if the local authority had acted under s.93 of the Public Health Act 1936 .
24 The health service does not have a monopoly in cleaning , catering and laundry skills in the same way that it does in the skills required to treat sick people .
25 Since 1984 the NCB has been required to apply for planning permission in the same way as other mineral operators .
26 Hinton was the midwife of the British Magnox programme in the same way that Rickover developed the pressurised water reactor for submarine propulsion , which in turn paved the way for the now dominant pressurised water reactor ( PWR ) .
27 Merton itself , as a result of Silverman 's experience in selection , advertising and research , was first conceived as a high-level recruitment consultancy which then evolved into a management consultancy and executive search practice ; he based his approach — ahead of its time in Britain in the mid-1970s — on the concept of building up a profile of ‘ the ideal candidate ’ by using the most sophisticated industrial market research techniques , approaching a recruitment programme in the same way as he had devised and implemented a marketing plan .
28 of the services that have been put out to tender have been won in-house despite the fact that in-house organisations can not develop the capital investment and lease equipment in the same way as the private sector .
29 Porsche 's new suspension appeals in the same way .
30 Television not only gets its news stories in the same way as newspapers , it gets most of its feature stories from the very tabloids it is so fond of attacking .
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