Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] [verb] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The certification to BS 5750 for Design and Construction which followed the successful assessment by BSI last autumn , was fitting reward for the hard work and efforts of all WEC staff in establishing a first class Quality Management System .
2 Squadron Leader Christopher Tingay , from R-A-F Lyneham , has been awarded the Air Force Cross for piloting the first relief flights into Sarajevo .
3 Motorola Inc hopes to capture a broad market for the PowerPC processor by pricing the first versions well below Intel Corp 's fastest microprocessors , US PC Week reports : preliminary pricing for the PowerPC , due in volume in the third quarter , has been listed at $280 for the 50MHz 601 and $374 for the 66MHz version of the chip in quantities of 20,000 or more , according to sources familiar with Motorola 's plans — significantly below the Pentium and the 66MHz 80486DX2 , although the Pentium will outperform the PowerPC chips ; systems that use the PowerPC are expected to be priced at from $3,000 to $4,000 .
4 Stewards were appointed to bear the cost of the entertainment and on one occasion Petiver wrote to Dr Sloane about fixing the next Herborising , ‘ and Putney Heath being a place not this year visited , I have determined ye Bowling Green there for ye lecture of Botany , where we shall dine on Tuesday next . ’
5 He balanced this hard bop experience by joining the 29th Street Saxophone Quartet and refined his ensemble playing skills performing more traditional jazz with Panama Francis and the Savoy Sultans .
6 For once though Town had the luck … about time to … and they made sure of victory with a well worked second goal from Andy Mutch … scoring against your old team is always sweet … even sweeter when it gives Town a favourites chance of reaching the next round of the cup …
7 A student has made education history by becoming the first in the country to pass a new exam .
8 Teenage full back Phil Hardy looks almost certain to regain his left back spot after missing the last 11 games because of a foot operation , with utility man Wayne Phillips reverting to a more familiar midfield role .
9 Taking a random page from the writings of Karl Popper , one can see the structure of the discourse in skeleton form by taking the first phrase or sentence of each paragraph .
10 This study is related to Professor Rosenbrock 's SERC Senior Fellowship award ‘ Social Effects of Automation ’ and is to develop software which will enable the operator to program an FMS system by making the first batch of parts .
11 After their mauling of the Seasiders , Glenavon picked up £1 , from sponsors TNT for becoming the first side to score goals in the competition , with Trevor McMullan knocking in the sixth with two minutes left on the clock at Clandeboye .
12 Last season , Leeds received £100,000 from sponsors Barclays for winning the First Division .
13 Barbara has won countless glamorous grandmother contests since becoming the first ever winner of the Widnes title in 1977 .
14 Barbara has won countless Glamorous Grandmother contests since becoming the first ever winner of the Widnes title in 1977 .
15 In the film 's most inventive touch , Hook tries to avenge himself on Peter Pan by becoming a second and better father .
16 Stirling should have made sure of victory and further ease their own relegation worries after taking a 25th minute lead through Willie Watters .
17 Midfielder David Batty is battling to be fit for tomorrow 's trip to Aston Villa after missing the second half of Saturday 's win with a damaged calf .
18 May I extend my heartiest congratulations to Dexter Tiranti , Lesley and Peter Adamson , Troth Wells and the whole NI team on reaching the 200th issue .
19 He also wrote himself into the history books by becoming the first player to compile three total clearances in a match .
20 As we sat in the ATV canteen after recording the first eight episodes of The Power Game , he said : ‘ Think of all the fame stored up in those rolls of tape .
21 ‘ Andy used to tell me that he ought to be called ‘ Boo Linighan ’ because boos were all he seemed to get from our fans — but he 'll deservedly be a hero now , ’ beamed captain Tony Adams after becoming the first man ever to lift both the League and FA Cups in the same season .
22 The combined Staines/Nine Elms team somehow managed to finish with a negative score , which earned them the title of ‘ most sporting team ’ , and saved head office teams from occupying the last two positions !
23 Meanwhile , Leicester City fans have claimed Middlesbrough star Jamie Pollock encouraged a pitch invasion after scoring the first goal of his career at Filbert Street .
24 After two years on the Worcestershire staff without playing a first team game , Briers , 24 , took the gamble of moving North last season in search of his first-class ticket .
25 Does using the pupil 's mother tongue in teaching a second language help or hinder their progress ?
26 BY ANY standards , the success of the film Hedd Wyn in becoming the first Welsh language film to be nominated for the prestigious Royal Television Society award was a significant breakthrough for the burgeoning industry .
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