Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a discussion of Asian security on Soviet television a Pravda writer denied that Soviet initiatives for ‘ pan-Asian security ’ were intended by Moscow ‘ to draw the countries of the region into some kind of Asian-Pacific pact , to make allies of them in its conflict with Washington ’ .
2 Review of the case notes showed that coeliac disease had not been considered in any of these patients and the diagnoses that had been made were not supported by satisfactory evidence .
3 Mr Lamont 's announcement that St Pancras will be the terminus of the £3 billion Channel rail link implies that international trains to and from Scotland will be much slower than first thought .
4 These alignment rules mean that such computers do not in fact operate as pure byte-oriented machines , and are a consequence of a way in which the architecture of the computers has been implemented .
5 New rules for pharmacy funding mean that any chemist 's shop which dispenses fewer than 2,000 prescriptions per month will lose grants and will face closure .
6 Lomponda wa Botende , a former Chief of Staff , expressed his astonishment at the report , and the Defence Ministry denied that any coup attempt had been made .
7 In the 1920s Edwin Hubble observed that distant galaxies look redder than nearby ones .
8 As it was , no one thought the universe was changing with time until 1929 , when Edwin Hubble discovered that distant galaxies are moving away from us .
9 British Rail Maintenance explained that 140 men and women had volunteered for redundancy .
10 The FMLN command argue that cooperative production is vital , so as to develop a more self-sufficient economy within the zones and so that after the victory , the national economy will have a working base on which to build .
11 Bernard Baruch asserted that American aid should have been channelled through American businessmen to their European counterparts , so low was his opinion of the economic policies of governments .
12 In May 1986 the spokesman of the resistance coalition proclaimed that any form of international guarantee which directly or indirectly recognises the Kabul regime would be unacceptable .
13 For these reasons monetarists argue that monetary policy can not be used for short-run demand management .
14 The way the funding mechanism works on the teaching side means that each student arriving in an institution brings with him or her less money than before .
15 Research by the American Food and Drug Administration suggests that one chemical that is often found in B15 tablets , dimethyl glycine , may cause genetic damage to cells .
16 However , Mr Baron also ordered a review of the rules regarding disturbances in parliament sessions to ensure that tougher sanctions can be applied to members causing disruptions in future .
17 In his heart Gaveston knew that young Edward quite liked the clerk ; admired the man 's fidelity and unwillingness to criticise him to his terrible father .
18 He knew that it would be going to the Ministry of Defence , but the paperwork submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry would state that the purchaser was the Ministry of Agriculture ; Department of Trade and Industry rules said that manufactured goods could be exported to Iraq only if they had no military usage .
19 But legal aid experts argue that low income and capital limits are denying access to justice to increasing numbers of people who can not afford to pay privately .
20 Within three days of Lawrence 's succession Hawke announced that federal elections , due by the end of May 1990 , would be held on March 24 .
21 The revenue authorities maintained that these persons were ‘ male servants ’ in respect of whom licence duties were payable under the Revenue Act 1869 ( 32 & 33 Vict. c. 14 ) .
22 The situation is frequently reinforced by customer contracts or confirmation notes stating that all business is subject to the rules of the exchange .
23 Shadow environmental protection minister Ann Taylor claims that some companies have been allowed " blanket relaxations of toxic and microbiological standards " with the result that drinking water in some areas may be unsafe .
24 While not wishing to ‘ suggest that Blackburn ale is too potent for Accrington heads ’ , the football correspondent thought that this kind of thing happened too frequently .
25 The isolation of a cDNA clone from testis of S. macroura and the long open reading frame in the M. eugenii genome suggest that these marsupial genes are not pseudogenes .
26 Scientists , publishers , students and government officials meeting last week at a colloquium organised by the research ministry agreed that poor quality produces a downward spiral of falling circulation and a further loss of contributions from respected scientists .
27 • VAG UK managing director Richard Ide predicted that this month will be seen as the point where car sales in Britain turned and began to pick up .
28 CVCP had maintained that ‘ an expansion driven wholly by the recruitment of extra students , many of them at marginal cost , could threaten research ’ , but says that the research funds mean that some universities can ‘ increase their income without recourse to student recruitment alone ’ .
29 The European Information Industry Association estimates that this market will have grown to US$6.7 billion by 1995 , an average annual growth rate of 19 per cent .
30 On May 13 the acting Attorney General Hamad al-Othman said that 45 collaboration cases were ready to go to trial .
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