Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Typically 1300-1400 bargaining groups report their settlement each year .
2 Spurs fans give their message loud and clear outside Sugar 's conference hotel
3 Pechman 's study attempts to show what difference alternative economic assumptions about the incidence of various taxes make .
4 Home improvement grants Be warmer this winter with loft insulation Keep your home free from mould and damp All available from your local authority .
5 ‘ I call on all North-East candidates to make their position clear on this vital issue .
6 Seles was knifed in the back during a quarter-final match at the Citizen Cup in Hamburg on April 30 by a German who allegedly wanted to help Steffi Graf regain her number one world ranking .
7 As Dixie Leonard , Miss M struts her stuff opposite funny man Eddie Sparks , played by James Caan — a dynamic duo destined to entertain homesick American troops for half a century .
8 Miss Emerson sprained her ankle two days ago .
9 The husband of one of the club members had his camera handy to record the occasion of the Mayor 's visit .
10 Mr Morse points to the ageing and unpleasant sanitary point where boat users dump their waste next to the town 's bus station .
11 Kent Coast travellers saw their Mark 1 based Class 41 1 4-CEPS taken to BREL Swindon ( the last major coach contract before the works closed ) for a thorough facelift that also included new windows and double glazing .
12 When the tour liaison officer offered his driver 50 NZ dollars petrol money , he reached into the official 's wallet and plucked out another 50 dollar note .
13 Elsewhere in the division , Welwyn Sp.in made their tally two wins from four games , after their eight emphatic eight points victory over bottom placed Middlesex Polytechnic .
14 On which ground did Jim Laker take his record 19 Australian wickets in 1956 ? ( 2 ) 5 .
15 As expected ( UX No 422 ) , the Open Software Foundation has picked up new widget technology from Lotus Development Corp , IBM Corp and Digital Equipment Corp to enhance its Motif graphical user interface .
16 Sergeant Twomey giving his platoon some gentle encouragement
17 When Dr Haritos-Fatouros began her research 15 years ago into the minds of torturers — particularly those who served the Greek dictatorship of 1967–74 — she assumed they must be sadists .
18 ROYAL Mint worker Alan Meredith gave his wife fake bank notes for her shopping .
19 We have announced a number of job losses over the past 12 months which have arisen as a result of er an internal cost cutting exercise to make our research more er cost effective , and also as a result of decisions by the Government and the electricity supply industry who have cut down their funding for basic research into reactor technology .
20 This was compounded by an insane suggestion that rather than the England team owing their cheering 4–0 win over Turkey to Gascoigne , he owed his performance to them .
21 Valkyrie was chosen from some 20,235 entrants in a name-a-plane content — there were thirteen entries suggesting this name , but the winner , Air Force T/Sgt Francis W Seiler posted his entry first .
22 There was a village woman overlaid her baby last summer , such a terrible thing for everyone .
23 The Ukrainian government refused to implement the new rates , considering them a violation of sovereignty , and the RSFSR government called their introduction contrary to the proposed new Union Treaty .
24 BUBBLING OVER : World champion Nigel Mansell celebrates his record ninth win after a brilliant drive in the Portguese Grand Prix yesterday .
25 FURIOUS Nigel Mansell ended his Formula One career yesterday with a blast at the team which gave him the World Drivers ' Championship .
26 Aunt Tossie threw her coat open .
27 Sage is currently re-vamping the online help system to make it context sensitive , and I 'm hoping that they 'll also look at idiot proofing and the application of the Windows interface .
28 IBM insiders get their equipment cheaper than customers who are sold new computers , but the insiders depend on older machines — proving once again that it 's the management and training , not the technology , that makes the difference between a winning system and a white elephant .
29 Sir Anthony launched his investigation last November following complaints by MPs and after an independent report into the DTI 's role by the former Monopolies Commission chairman , Sir Godfray Le Quesne , which the then Trade Secretary , Lord Young , concluded cleared his department of any responsibility .
30 During the eight years of war against Iran , President Hussein made his power absolute by clamping tight personal control on the army , the Baath party and the ubiquitous mukhabarat , the secret police .
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