Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The purity of the ganglioside preparation used in this study has , however , never been established , and this work has not been reproduced in other laboratories .
2 When the milk teeth came in that shape , Dinah had taken no heed ; no doubt the matter would rectify itself in time .
3 Additional algorithms are used to model total building damage costs for each grid cell based on water-depth and speed-depth rating curves .
4 Of these , 22 had challenge proven cow 's milk allergy manifested with either skin ( urticaria ( four ) , ezcema ( 10 ) or gastrointestinal ( loose stools ) ( six ) , diarrhoea ( three ) , vomiting ( two ) , abdominal pain ( three ) ) symptoms .
5 I do not seek to deride the intelligence or all undergraduates , but with one side of the argument apparently lacking , how can target readers of Von Daniken come to any firm , reasoned conclusions ?
6 Hampshire think they may lose up to a quarter of their membership when Dean Park goes after this season .
7 It consists of a chain of carbon atoms , with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon .
8 Software design and production activities are carried out externally to LIFESPAN and will normally be performed in a number of separate user accounts allocated for that purpose ; possibly on a separate computer .
9 Most mushroom anemones imported into this country are species of Actinodoscus , Rhodactis , and Discosoma , all of which hail from the Pacific and are thus included in shipments from the Philippines , where most marine aquarium inhabitants originate these days .
10 Many of the Champagne houses established at this time were born as a direct result of the Reims textile trade .
11 The platelet aggregates formed in this way are fixed with formol .
12 ‘ Homework , ’ Herr Nordern said with more sympathy than he would normally have allowed himself .
13 ‘ That the accident at the corner of … resolved … culprit apprehended … said Herr Nordern cleared of all suspicion … and etc. , and etc. , and etc. , And that 's that , ’ Marx said unemotionally as he folded the form and slid it back into the envelope .
14 The Bilingual Skills Certificate originated in this project and is designed to lay the foundations for such a development .
15 Dan Dan Dan look at that picture on there , Dan !
16 For example , the spread ratio may be unity , the ratio of the contract values , the ratio of contract values adjusted for responsiveness to the general level of market prices , or the ratio of contract values weighted by some factor such as p .
17 ( Many of the resistance strategies discussed in this chapter are extremely effective in that respect . )
18 THE hard luck story to emerge from this year 's Martell Grand National surely can not come from David Stoddart , the man who sold Party Politics 48 hours before the big race and now looks forward to an agreed bonus of £15,000 on top of the original £80,000 price tag .
19 The two sub-set attributes of base part refer to this drawing file , as they only contain details of changes to the base part .
20 At present responsibility falls into several government departments .
21 In some instances this growth was clearly evident in the office building boom seen in many city centres , but a large part of the commercial , housing , retail and industrial development was located in much smaller towns , often some distance away from the larger conurbations .
22 We should now be able to see that an inconsistency between the demand for bank lending and the demand for the money stock created by that bank lending is reconciled by two simultaneous mechanisms .
23 For his part Humphrys maintained with some justice that any binding provision would not be compatible with Iraq 's future independent status .
24 There was iron too in the Spencer soul and numerous hospital corridors rang to the sound of the redoubtable Countess and the fiery Lady Sarah Spencer hissing at each other like a pair of angry geese .
25 Program the sensor pods to search for any sign of ancient habitations within a twelve thousand mile radius of the pole . ’
26 The difficulty readers experience with this novel is partly a result of Golding 's strategic use of concept metaphors which forces us to consider some of the ways in which language structures our perceptions of the world .
27 Bernard Baruch spoke for many business people when he complained that the British were quick to moan but not to help themselves by making their economy more productive and competitive .
28 A linear or supercoiled DNA containing P A2b and P A3 promoters was incubated at 37°C with σ A -RNA polymerase , in the absence ( P A2b ) or presence ( P A3 ) of protein p4 , and with the NTP combinations indicated in each lane .
29 In the 1960s , an astronomer named Gerald Hawkins worked on another idea .
30 Help can be obtained at any time by pressing the function key reserved for this purpose .
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