Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We consider that punitive policies such as cutting benefit payments or not providing adequate housing for lone parents or their children , would immediately damage the health and well being of children and we consider that that in itself is contrary to the U N convention on the rights of the child .
2 As you know , this early and admirably simple document eventually became the basis of the U N convention on the rights of the child adopted unanimously by the U N in nineteen eighty nine and since by the majority of member states as mentioned by the Princess Royal this morning .
3 Very interesting to have a review from you of the O D A's work , both with regard to central and Eastern Europe and the developing world and I 'm sure I speak for everybody in saying we are delighted minister that you spent the third part of your , your speech looking at the U N convention on the rights of the child which as you rightly say , is very close to the heart of Save The Children .
4 Richard Pryor ( who was never given another chance to explore this side of his acting ability ) , Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel star as the workers who attempt to break the chains that bind with a break-in at their corrupt union 's headquarters .
5 They come to the recognition that being black places themselves and other black kids in a similarly disadvantaged position : ‘ It would seem , on the basis of the pupils ’ own perception of this tendency , that this withdrawal into racially exclusive peer groups results from the pupils ' realization of a common identity and shared destiny' ( 1978 , p.64 ) .
6 Government money , channelled via local government and the NHS , or through income support benefits into the pockets of sufferers and their families , is essential for effective community care services , but it is not enough on its own .
7 This would fall to be considered under the occupiers liability section of a contents policy even where the occupant is merely a tenant and responsibility for maintenance of the pipes lies with the owner .
8 One exception to this statement was the attitude taken by the Bavarian Central Authority in the late 1980s in connection with products liability cases in the courts of the United States .
9 When wider bandwidth networking became available , the ability to move graphical information quickly around a network brought the cental multi user processor concept into the wimps era , and this has required clearly defined standards for the Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) .
10 The Trooper 's wishbone and torsion-bar front suspension , and live rear axle on cart springs , ca n't match the coil spring combinations of the rivals but , that said , it 's still a good compromise .
11 On June 30 the commander of the Fatah militias in southern Lebanon , Anwar Madi , was shot dead in an ambush by two men as he drove from Sidon to his office in the Ain Helweh refugee camp on the outskirts of the town .
12 Brighton Borough Council with the Arts Council and South East Arts brought us into being — and their support continues as strongly as ever .
13 Bondage — The stories told to cab driver David Hines by the prostitutes he met while driving around Kings Cross formed the basis of this one woman monologue detailing the grim life of a London prostitute .
14 The unbeaten Welsh Premier Division leaders Whitchurch must travel to University College Aberystwyth in the quarter-finals of the Welsh Cup .
15 Between 1920 and 1923 the two-acre site was transformed following his own ideas as well as a design by H. M. Baillie Scott of the Arts and Crafts Movement , whose work Wade greatly admired .
16 As he came out he made a break for freedom spraying gas in the faces of his guards and hospital staff who rushed to help .
17 In the short run , ATP officials say they will cancel plans for another round of applications this summer to their programme , which funds proposals from individual companies and industry consortia , while the Energy Department expects to continue its emphasis on funding research projects within the laboratories that also serve the needs of industry .
18 The Gloucester and England rugby player Mike Teague has received compensation from the Rugby Football Union for the injuries he sustained during the World Cup .
19 Farming for a livelihood demands manipulation of the life-processes in the soil , crops , and animals in such a way as to yield continuous sustenance or profit without depleting capital .
20 Political sketch Edward Pearce on the drawbacks of celebrities
21 Even though we spent that money we are projected to come in with balances of three million pounds in excess of the budget figure set by the Conservatives , and that is a six million pounds difference that 's come straight out of the twenty-four and I think it tells us two things .
22 The successive replacement of dA by d ystems3C A resulted in a considerable drop in the T m values of the duplexes , 317.6 K for the unmodified duplex ( duplex 1 ) as compared to 304.2 K for the duplex containing three d 3C A residues ( duplex 4 ) and the thermodynamic parameters clearly demonstrate that d 3C A destabilises the duplexes .
23 This motion also creates an opportunity for the union , our union , the members ' union , to encourage young members , members and branch activists to take on the role of branch administration officers within the regions we represent here today and gain experience in an area of trade union work that they thought might never have , have existed .
24 Given the way that research is structured , where for instance research students in the sciences and social sciences are often engaged to assist staff in large-scale research projects , research students as a matter of fact are part of the total research enterprise of the academic community .
25 We came to the G M B from the workers .
26 Mr Gasken won the performing arts category of the awards back in 1990 with his nationally acclaimed opera , Golem , staged by the Northern Sinfonia and Northern Stage .
27 Panel to include Gavin Henderson , Artistic Director , Brighton Festival ; Lois Keidon , Performing Arts Officer of the Arts Council : Carolyn Graham , Manager of Event Planning , South Bank Centre ; Richard Gough , Artistic Director , Centre for Performance Research : Denise Wong , Director , Black Mime Theatre : Anne Seagrave , performance artist .
28 HOWARD KENDALL last night lashed his Everton players for their ‘ unacceptable ’ performances and dumped striker Mo Johnston into the reserves .
29 Neddy Fawcett , who was farming at West Birk Hatt in the days before it was flooded when the new reservoir opened , was very good with mechanical things and used to come over and try to make it start .
30 Why should not a little boy with a feminine side play dollies with the girls ?
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