Example sentences of "[verb] never see a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most likely a first-time father has never seen a person in such pain and it 's also the person he loves most .
2 Claire has never seen a man in a leopardskin jockstrap before .
3 I 'd never seen a weapon like that before — only military rifles .
4 ‘ I 've never seen a scene like it and never want to again , ’ said Mr Yoxall as he surveyed the carnage .
5 ‘ I 've never seen a sky like that in my life before , ’ Susan said softly , wonder in her voice .
6 Now I 've never seen a provision like that put forward for legislation before .
7 And I 've never seen a case in which there was a fist fight in front of the cinema and they pulled the movie because of it .
8 ‘ I 've never seen a lugworm like it ’
9 Fucking I tell you you 've never seen a pair of hands on this like them .
10 Was it you probably wo n't believe this but I 've never seen a programme of Spitting Image .
11 ‘ I 've never seen a report like this .
12 Elizabeth had never seen a ghost in her life .
13 She had never seen a ghost in her life .
14 As she got closer to them Julia thought that she had never seen a man with such brilliant dark eyes or so saturnine and yet handsome a face .
15 A creature who had never seen a world outside this Castle .
16 For one thing , the score was by Rodgers and Hammerstein who had never seen a pantomime in their lives — such things were totally unknown on the other side of the Atlantic — and wrote music and lyrics for the show which fitted very well indeed in their repertoire that began with Oklahoma ! and went on , via such epics as South Pacific and The King And I , all the way to The Sound of Music .
17 In his second letter he wrote , ‘ I have never seen a cradle without thinking of a grave ; the sight of a naked woman makes me imagine her skeleton . ’
18 ‘ I have never seen a fracture of the anterior fossa of the skull due to a blow on the nose …
19 I teach students who are often illiterate , who do not know how to use a hand-held calculator , who have never seen a film with subtitles or read a classic work of literature , and who can not spell even the name of important people in their field ( for example , psychology majors who spell Freud as Frued ) .
20 We agree with MacGowan and Reeves that the half life may be inaccurate if it is calculated from only two values ; but perhaps that is why they have never seen a patient with normal renal function in whom the half life is as long as 7.6 hours , since in clinical practice two measurements are all one has to go on .
21 I have never seen a hunt in progress , although I recall vaguely as a child being taken to watch a Meet when I was visiting relatives in Piercebridge .
22 You have never seen a woman in her peignoir before ? ’
23 It 's the same as that place in Australia where they have n't seen rain for seventeen years , I mean there 's children who are grown up now at college have never seen a spot of rain , I 'd hate that I 'd rather have our , sometimes dismal climate .
24 However , I have never seen a copy of this circulated at the subdivision level at any location I have worked ; and outside force HQ the availability of any research or analytic literature on policing falls off dramatically .
25 I can tell you Elsie I have never seen a fish like it .
26 ‘ I have never seen a cut in education spending , ’ he said .
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