Example sentences of "[verb] seem [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , with at least two American tournaments lacking name sponsors at the time of writing and the LTA 's anxious search for a company willing to take over the men 's autumn indoor event in Birmingham , are we , I wonder , starting to see the icy blow of reality infiltrating a sport which , for so long , has seemed immune from the impact of any recession ?
2 His patronage may have seemed essential to the architects of that time , although corporate clients were emerging , such as Poor Law Boards , or boards of directors of railway companies .
3 True , extreme poverty and hardship had driven him to the point when suicide must have seemed preferable to the life he was leading .
4 The elements may have seemed brutal to the documentary makers ( and some had roughed it in various parts of the world ) but to someone like Hannah who had experienced the winters of 1941 and 1962 that November was child 's play .
5 Belinda watched her , smiling at first because Faye really did seem pleased about the present , then with increasing anxiety .
6 Fortunately , those 600 were the last for those shoes as Nike came round with a pair , but Zarei did seem disappointed at the lack of regular sponsorship .
7 What had seemed practicable in the US Defense Department proved illusive in many of the other civil agencies .
8 Mrs Singh had seemed mystified by the advice , as she believed the school should be responsible for progress in English and mathematics and shrugged helplessly when I suggested that parents also had an important role .
9 The search for Fedorov and Louise Müller , which had seemed all-important at the time , had been overtaken by weightier events .
10 She could hardly believe he had gone — he had seemed set for the night — and , to her consternation , the flat seemed empty and cold without his disturbing but magnetic presence .
11 For reasons which had seemed wise at the time , the Bar had not accepted that offer at that stage .
12 The number had seemed significant at the time : Lorton 's normal dose was two .
13 She had never said so , certainly , because she hated to admit that she minded anything , but she had seemed evasive about the future , and had shown no great enthusiasm over the journalistic course she was going to take .
14 As Coleman had been at pains to point this out before taking on the DEA assignment , he could hardly disagree , but the risk had seemed acceptable at the time and he had taken particular care to underline his academic credentials whenever he met Hurley 's people .
15 Yes he does seem keen on the railway track .
16 The current popular level of application of smoke vents to some 3–5% of the floor area does seem low for the fire loads and rate of growth of fire , likely to be experienced in high-bay warehouses particularly when it is borne in mind that unless similar automatic ingress vent areas are provided at low level the effective ceiling vent areas might well be halved !
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