Example sentences of "[verb] down for a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When you sit down for a wee while .
2 When he was able to sit down for a brief breather , he received a telephone call from control saying that some twenty young bullocks had got loose on the railway line heading in his direction and would he keep a look out , with the thought that trains and cattle do not mix .
3 The qualifying 20s. was no arbitrary figure but the maximum ( 16s. + 4s. for livery ) laid down for a common servant in husbandry by the wage-regulation act of 1515 .
4 The plane came down for a smooth landing amid the radar gear .
5 MOTORIST Steve Hopwood was turned down for a disabled parking pass — even though he has only one arm and one leg .
6 Powerful amplifiers can be turned down for a small hall , but a weak amplifier has no potential for increased volume before it starts distorting the sound .
7 If they are unusually anxious or irritated , they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal .
8 They settled down for a long siege and so did the outside world .
9 Susan went to bed early , and Breeze and Gay made themselves toast and welsh rarebit , and settled down for a long evening by the fire .
10 Without difficulty I found a Bed and Breakfast house , equally smart and highly polished , and settled down for a pre-exploratory nap .
11 Maxim settled down for a gloomy evening .
12 The dragon heaved a huge sigh of relief and politely turned his head to let out a huge smoky belch ; then he settled down for a dragon-like snooze .
13 A band played and onlookers waved and cheered as men , women and children wedged themselves into the tub carriages and settled down for a good day out .
14 By this time , Lou and Charlie had moved too — the business had been running down for a long period and there was no point in staying in a flat over a shop that did n't exist any more .
15 Everyone quietly settled down for a long wait .
16 His thoughts sway constantly between the desire to go on and the desire to settle down for a relaxed evening with a book in the secure knowledge that he wo n't have to go on .
17 This had been of something more than philosophical interest to Karen and I in our pre-coital phase , since it meant that we could count on at least a minute thirty seconds before he reappeared , or as much as three minutes forty-five seconds if we heard the seat go down for a big jobby .
18 I had learnt enough so returned to my own chamber , secured the lock and , fully clothed , lay down for a fitful sleep .
19 Things would quieten down for a little while and the huddles be reformed , but before long there was the crack of a whip and a pony and trap would dash down the field .
20 ‘ She desperately wanted to play the wife role and would spend an afternoon cooking a beautiful meal for him and he would arrive with an expensive bottle of wine and they 'd settle down for a cosy evening . ’
21 It 's a chance for them to forget the washing up and their household chores , put their feet up and settle down for a comfortable snooze in front of their favourite television programme ( which really does n't sound much different from normal , does it ? )
22 So far so good : then you select a soiled dish , collect some scraps from the garbage , and settle down for a short wait .
23 It was little wonder that , during this time , Gergiev proved difficult to pin down for a promised meeting .
24 At the end of the day 550 people sat down for a superb dinner in the marquee , prepared by and his team , where the trophies and prizes from the Grand Draw were presented , followed by a disco .
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