Example sentences of "[verb] your [noun sg] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How have you been justifying your existence in the last twenty-four hours and can you name the guilty man ? ’
2 If you 've been to a puppy party you 'll know how much fun it can be to train your pup in a positive and natural way .
3 Site your pond in an open , sunny place that is well away from trees .
4 Even so , dismissal should never come as a bolt from the blue , however exalted your place in the corporate hierarchy .
5 But direct observation does give you the colours and you do become more accurate , even though sunlight and shadows move so fast during the time it takes to paint such a scene that the particular arrangement that caught your eye in the first place has long since gone by the time the picture is finished !
6 Unless you 're confident about reefing in strong winds , keeping your cool in a choppy sea , and paddling a line ashore when it 's gusting , life can be a little daunting .
7 In times of high interest rates , keeping your money in a safe investment such as a bank or building society can make sense .
8 In describing the various features of this academic essay-writing register , we have stressed that the style you adopt not only places your essay in an established , conventional idiom , but also creates a clear impression of you and your attitudes towards your subject matter , as well as defining a specific relationship with your reader .
9 Baby carriers/slings leave your hands and arms free , and are a good way of transporting your baby in the first few months .
10 When you are playing regularly you can show your ability in the best light and in the last two games I 've done that . ’
11 I thought ooh , what if you put your hand in the wrong place urgh urgh !
12 Otherwise you may land your client in an unnecessary appeal .
13 ‘ I read your article in the last issue , ’ Evelyn said .
14 Ca n't you just see your mother in a pink floppy hat with cherries on it ?
15 As the music begins , concentrate for a few moments on relaxing your body in the usual way .
16 HOW TO ACCOUNT FOR SUBSIDIARIES ' ASSOCIATES Can you keep your balance in a vertical group ?
17 I scrounged the petrol , now you can use your influence in the big house .
18 From this you can trace your statute in the main work , supposing it to be there .
19 How will you spend your cash in the 21st Century ? …
20 To help run your business in a professional and stylish way , we have some wonderful business-related prizes :
21 Yes folks , if you want to reserve your place in the local funny farm ( bibble , bibble , polka-dot flamingo ) , go out and purchase a copy of Puzznic today .
22 Off with the nightie , on with those jeans ( OK , do n't bother fastening them just yet ) , pop your baby in the brand-new car seat , and zoom off home with proud daddy .
23 Contradict your boss in a big corporation , or fumble a marketing campaign , and you could lose your job .
24 As class sizes will be limited , the earlier you get your entry in the more chance you have of being included in your preferred classes .
25 " Get your peg in the right hole , missus , before you chip off the corners — and possibly even lay bare your embarrassment " .
26 For maximum effect , wrap your hair in a warm , damp towel or cover with a plastic cap and apply gentle heat .
27 Wrap your hair in a hot towel to maximise the effect .
28 The only alternative is to shut your dog in a separate room when there are guests , but this could result in other problems including whining and destructive behaviour .
29 In my view this book would deprave and corrupt young children and I draw your attention in the sincere hope that you will find it possible to take action against the publishers .
30 Introduce yourself straightaway , smile , make direct eye contact and ask open questions which indicate your interest in the other person .
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