Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun sg] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Junius ended this particular outburst with a threat , which drew its force from the common knowledge that the Hanoverian dynasty had usurped the Stuarts .
2 It also aims to increase its funding from the private sector .
3 Hoylake claimed that : ‘ BAT 's urge to conglomerate has diverted its attention from the traditional core business , tobacco towards ill-conceived diversification ’ .
4 He writes in Our Lady : ‘ We are , after all , familiar enough with the tragedy of a certain feeling which is obliged to borrow its expression from the opposite feeling so as to escape from the myrmidons of the law .
5 But the character of Plas-yn-Rhiw is subtler than that , drawing its mood from the Welsh landscape and blending its colours with those of the wildflowers with are freely admitted through the gates .
6 On May 5 the fundamentalist Jamaat-i Islami Pakistan ( JIP ) , the second-strongest party within the Pakistani government , announced its withdrawal from the eight-party Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) .
7 Charging depreciation in the accounts of businesses receives its support from the matching concept .
8 Legend has it that the bridge got its name from the plaintive cries of the prisoners as they were escorted across it .
9 It is no surprise to learn that this village got its name from the local industries of smelting silver and iron .
10 The Lithuanian Communist Party declared its independence from the Soviet CP in December 1989 , and renamed itself the Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party ( DLP ) in December 1990 [ see p. 37921 ] , but was banned on Aug. 23 , 1991 [ see p. 38373 ] .
11 The building of the Henry Ford factory on the Marina had been started a few years before ; and Denis , whose regular walks to Blackrock — solitary now that his father was no longer there to accompany him took him past the site , had watched its growth from the first brick .
12 From the Mediterranean coastlands , it obtained its name from the Latin ros and maris , dew of the sea , and has had associations with the mind and improving the memory since classical times ; witness the famous quotation in Hamlet , of poor Ophelia : " There 's rosemary , that 's for remembrance " .
13 The church gets its name from the adjacent hospice where pilgrims on their way to or from Rome once stayed .
14 This elongated , rocky finger , which gets its name from the ancient word for dragon , is said to resemble the creature at rest .
15 With this in mind , the Zipper Club , which gets its name from the distinctive scar left after surgery , aims to help people before , as well as during and after treatment .
16 It gets its name from the strengthening threads which run across warp and weft to create small squares in the otherwise close-woven nylon .
17 It gets its name from the Silurian Epoch — a period around 450 million years ago when the rocks which make up the skeleton and the soil of the Grizedale Forest were formed .
18 The fish gets its name from the unusual formation of the teeth which are elongated on the upper and lower jaws near the middle of the mouth .
19 The Vampire Plec gets its name from the unusual formation of the teeth which are elongated on the upper and lower jaws near the middle of the mouth .
20 The hawthorn is the oldest of the hedgerow trees , for it gets its name from the Old English word haga , ‘ a hedge ’ or ‘ an enclosure ’ , and it was used from Saxon times onwards to make impenetrable fences — the hedge-thorn .
21 It 's a common condition which gets its name from the carpal bones that form a circle at the wrist .
22 Hamas was widely believed to draw its inspiration from the spiritual leaders of Mujama'a in the Gaza Strip .
23 The parent who shows strong disapproval , smacking the child or forcibly removing its hand from the offending area is sowing the first seeds of inhibition or sexual disorder .
24 It takes its inspiration from the Eastern idea of nirvana , ‘ a few drops of serenity ’ .
25 The ‘ Jay Yang ’ range takes its inspiration from the Far East with traditional floral designs with striking background colours creating the drama of the Eastern world .
26 THE scheme takes its inspiration from the new street furniture and public spaces in Barcelona and , more generally , from the Deconstructionist look fashionable in schools of architecture and design in recent years .
27 The Country Club of Mount Dora takes its name from the quaint local town in which it is situated .
28 The valley takes its name from the Entlen torrent , a tributary of the Little Emme , which races down to join it from the slopes of the Glaubenberg mount which separates this valley from the parallel valley in which lie the Lungern and Sarnen Lakes ( and the road from Brunig Pass . )
29 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
30 Butts Lane takes its name from the medieval archers who practised their skills close by .
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