Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun pl] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 when it comes in , pours in those , the house faces west er consequently although it 's very pleasant in the afternoon and evenings when you 're not watching television erm , it has its drawbacks on the other hand the garden is most unfortunately orientated alright ?
2 In a Wales Tourist Board report , Cadw , the Welsh Office agency responsible for historic monuments , is criticised as a South Wales based organisation which concentrated its efforts on the top 20 attractions .
3 The NFER project team concentrated its investigations on the technical issues of devising evidence of positive achievement at different levels , and the organizational problems perceived by teachers working with the project team in implementing a graduated test scheme .
4 The Central Bank of Brazil on Oct. 29 suspended its operations on the domestic gold market , to prevent foreign exchange reserves from falling to critical levels .
5 Drawing on an analysis of American inter-organizational relations Lindblom argues that it is simply not possible for the central state to impose its wishes on the local state .
6 That this House urges Her Majesty 's Government to use the decision to postpone the passage of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill as an opportunity to make a fresh start with the future development of the EEC and in particular concentrate its efforts on the chosen agenda of the British presidency which is to extend the borders of the EEC and to create a fully competitive Common Market .
7 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
8 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
9 Donald grabbed the rake from his mother and began to ply it hard , bouncing its teeth on the parched ground under the stalks .
10 The blue vein in Davide 's temple beside the scar where the bullet had entered throbbed and swelled to give warning when one of his bone crunchers was on its way ; lying quietly stretched out in the shuttered bedroom of their apartment , he was able to defend himself , as it readied to pounce , testing its grip on his nerves as a cat tests its claws on the obliging furniture ; he could slip under the velvet cloth of numb unconsciousness , without plunging his family into squalor and even starvation and illness as he had risked doing-as he had done — on Crosby Street near the Bend in Little Italy .
11 It is as if between 1927 and 1934 a party unequivocally committed to a sectarian strategy on the political front nevertheless consciously chose to hedge its bets on the cultural front .
12 The two men were knocked aside as Corbett swung round the overturned wagon and broke into a gallop , clinging to his horse and hoping it would keep its feet on the rough rutted track .
13 As the Supreme Court began its deliberations on the Pennsylvanian legislation , an extreme anti-abortionist group , Operation Rescue , held a mass picket of an abortion clinic in Buffalo , New York .
14 Why has Britain dragged its feet on the European directive under the Social Charter to prevent women being dismissed from jobs on the grounds of pregnancy ?
15 For the moment , the government pins its hopes on the new Child Support Agency .
16 The most common of these is the brown china mark moth , an insignificant little fellow that lays its eggs on the floating foliage of waterlilies and other aquatics .
17 On top of that , regulators are changing the rules of the game almost every week : in the latest move , on January 23rd , America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines .
18 The research seeks to explain why and how this dramatic reversal in economic fortunes has occurred , tracing its effects on the social , political and cultural life of the estates .
19 Did the effect of the law exceed what was necessary to achieve that aim — did its effects on the free movement of goods exceed what was necessary to achieve that aim ?
20 French software house , Softeam SA , Montigny is putting its products on the American market : Objecteering is a CASE tool that automatically generates C++ applications from the company 's Class Relation object-oriented model .
21 As the Working Group continued its deliberations on the secondary school curriculum , I was informed privately that Mr Baker would give way on this issue as long as the weighting for 16 year olds gave more emphasis to reading and writing .
22 The imperial schism had its repercussions on the separate kingdoms of Europe with whom the pope kept up a ceaseless round of correspondence , despatching legatine missions in his concern for ensuring Christian rulership and furthering his policies .
23 The Reform Committee set its sights on the quarterly meeting later that month .
24 The union instructed its members on the Daily Express and other nationals to refuse to use copy sent out by the PA .
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