Example sentences of "[verb] its [adj] [noun pl] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 So far only the local city authority has nominated its three members and the identity of the new President is still a matter of speculation : after ten years of Socialist rule the Christian Democrats feel it is their turn to be represented , but so far no suitable candidate has emerged .
2 Have you anything to declare such as love desire ambition or a glimpse that in this air-conditioning and other circumstantial emptiness freedom has its sudden attractions as the body floats in willing suspension of responsibility to anyone .
3 Every survey which involves sampling has its own problems and the social researcher who can call on a statistician for advice should never fail to do so .
4 ‘ Russia has its own problems and the EC will be seeking a remedy which wo n't harm them .
5 It may record its disagreement but ultimately accept the majority 's support of the development ; it may refuse to meet its financial obligations until the organisation ceases the action in question , although this may itself be contrary to the treaty ; it may regard the action as having no legal effect ; or it may withdraw from the organisation .
6 This conditions how those responsible for community relations in Easton perceive its primary purposes and the time-scales they operate within .
7 There is not a US coastal state which is not considering measures to preserve its coastal regions and the Environmental Protection Agency has put the cost of protecting cities against a one metre sea-level rise at between $73 and $111 trillion .
8 Last week the UK Department of Health confirmed its earlier recommendations that the risk of cot death is reduced if infants are laid to sleep on their backs , if they are not exposed to cigarette smoke before or after birth , and if they are not overwrapped or overheated , especially when feverish or unwell .
9 Mr John Morgan , the driver , said the machine had sheared its mounting bolts but the problems were teething troubles .
10 Your event will have its own needs and the composition of the committee may be suggested accordingly .
11 Telecom Corp of New Zealand Ltd 's $1,100m of long-term debt has come under scrutiny from Moody 's Investors Service Inc , which says it may cut its triple-A ratings after the company changed its financing policy : Moody 's examination will focus on whether the change will significantly reduce the company 's debt protection measurements over time .
12 But the Party continues to flout its own rules and the basic principles of parliamentary democracy .
13 In fact a recent readers ’ survey commissioned by the relatively diminutive Sunday Telegraph found that the average Telegraph reader spends 61 minutes skimming its 48 pages while the Sunday Times reader spends on average just 10 minutes more wading through its vast encyclopaedic bulk .
14 The east end retains its Romanesque characteristics and the Galluspforte ( the portal named after S. Gall ) is a twelfth century design with elaborate sculptured decoration .
15 An understanding of the way a society organises its economic activities and the type of technology used is important for selling overseas .
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