Example sentences of "[verb] out into [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once the pioneers of a new level of development were given the chance to flourish , they radiated out into a whole range of orders and families to take advantage of all the various possible means of gaining a livelihood .
2 I remember walking out into the bright sunlight of a late summer 's day in central London thinking : ‘ Oh God , how the hell do I tell people ? ’
3 For you the tape measure did n't shrink — it just followed the wonkyness of the two-dimensional surface as it hollowed out into the third dimension .
4 And I did n't want to jump out into the fast-moving darkness without any boots and within range of fifty tommy-guns .
5 ‘ Hello … what in … ? ’ but the words died on his lips as he drew out into the full brilliance of the moon something that shone with the colour of the moon itself , a circlet of gold on which stood a row of triangular shapes from each of which flashed a pebble , some green , some blue , some red the colour of rubies .
6 Even when lightning lit the skies and the floodgates opened when she was still twenty miles from her destination she merely flicked on the car 's wipers and peered out into the black night , letting the piercing beam of the headlights guide her along the road .
7 She peered out into the moonlit garden and felt a wave of desperation sweep over her .
8 She moved to the compartment door , peered out into the deserted corridor , then closed and locked it .
9 The resoluble nature of Aquacryl is best exemplified when the colour is squeezed out into a ceramic palette and left to dry .
10 As I heard the staff car approach I wandered out into the pale brown of the front garden .
11 They moved out into the social room .
12 The sound of the engine starting up was a welcome intrusion , the smooth glide of the craft as it moved out into the main stream a gratifying feeling .
13 Although a problem is not an invitation to launch out into a general disquisition on the department of law on which the problem is set , it is important in working out the problem to state all the rules of law that are really relevant to it .
14 Alternatively , the marzipan could be simply rolled out into a large area and transferred to the cake in one piece .
15 You leave the gas bottle on the floor at the foot of the bed and walk quickly away along the shorter length of corridor and step through the emergency exit out into the loud darkness of the night .
16 Then I branched out into a new area .
17 Some of the men undressed to their loincloths and waded out into the cold water while others pushed the trees from the bank .
18 Instantly entranced , Victoria beamed ; before their eyes , her miserable O spread out into a Happy Sambo melon-wedge grin .
19 With the changing outlook of its leadership , the NFoL 's early concentration upon opposing pornography broadened out into a general opposition to the modern permissive society .
20 ‘ I have not eaten and I am in rags and all I ask is a share of your fire before I am turned out into the cold night again …
21 But when he strolled out into the front drive , Mr McWhirter was being decanted from a neighbour 's car at the front gate .
22 It was a day much like today , hot and sunny , but unlike today there were no tourists about and Dave and I had stripped off to the skin and stepped through the shallows with mud squidging between our toes to the pebbly beach , swimming out into the cool water .
23 Wind whipped at Duvall 's hair and the lapels of his greatcoat as he squinted out into the rain-slashed darkness , trying to see what in hell had happened .
24 Many hundreds of Londoners have moved out into the central south region , opting for a cheaper home at the cost of the long journey to work .
25 Videos of the revolution are screened on to a side wall of the Architecture School and the sounds of the 1989 crowds blasted out into the icy night .
26 He had fancied being a poet when he was a boy — before he 'd been thrust out into the real world to try to earn a living .
27 The ketchup bottle cascaded out into a million glass fragments which showered down in slow motion ; floating and turning lazily like snowflakes , the light shivering in them like jewels .
28 I wrote it one late evening , sitting at my window , looking out into the rainy darkness of autumn and at the great black bulk of the cathedral :
29 A sharp , heavy knock sent Nadia scrambling out into the cold half-light of the early morning .
30 For this reason , a Christian marriage is a like an opened door , through which we see new visions , and walk out into a vast panorama we never knew existed .
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