Example sentences of "[verb] out [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He should have been booted out of the Olympics and told to race at a more apt venue .
2 Hornby loco we had those things you used to pull out of the cabs and they could go
3 This enabled the banks to pull out on the grounds that involvement was not commercially justifiable .
4 Water oozed out of the walls and as each night wore on , the heat distilled a fetid and poisonous atmosphere .
5 Networking out through the families and friends of Libyans he knew , talking to people in their homes , in coffee shops , in the markets and on the streets , Coleman met no one prepared to acknowledge even the smallest justification for the American action .
6 Here the blaze had started , killing Dame Frances whilst the rest of the nuns , given some warning , had managed to jump out of the windows or find their way down the outside stairs .
7 As Tiguary announced the plan to the assembled chiefs , Dulé could see the scene in his mind 's eye : the fire licking up one mast , then leaping in the rigging to the other , snaking through the spars , then falling in sparks , and setting the decks to smouldering while sleepy men sloshed water about with the balers , yelling orders to one another , until , when the flames had lit up all the timbers and the ship blazed in a transparent lattice of spars and ribs , her defenders would fling themselves into the sea and the warriors would swoop out of the shallows and fall on them : it would be as easy as catching fish .
8 ‘ They say the Hidden Folk have come out of the mountains and attacked the Rorims to the south in league with the beasts , ’ the landlord whispered confidentially .
9 If it can , good will come out of the traumas that our colleague has suffered and that will be for the good of potential victims .
10 The position was that the plaintiffs effectively retained possession of the surgery premises and the defendant er moved out of the premises and er went and found other surgery premises and er the position as I understand it is that he is carrying on his own practice today from other premises , the plaintiffs are such as now surviving , are still continue to practice from the former part of the premises .
11 The archaeologists camped uncomfortably inside them for a while , then moved out into the townships that had mushroomed around the site .
12 The girls used to come out with the barrows and the people with the shops used to complain .
13 During the final campaign , voters hardly need such contrived devices as PEBs to find out about the issues and personalities in party debate ‘ but during the mid-term there is so much concentration on government actions and personalities that PPBs play a much more significant role in publicizing opposition policies and personalities .
14 Ringo Starr was rolled out for the encores and thrashed about enthusiastically enough .
15 WITH one bound , a bride and groom found out about the ups and downs of married life — just after saying : ‘ I do ’ .
16 Is there any obligation for an external audit to be carried out on the books and records of the organisation , or is this a matter to be decided according to an internally agreed constitution ?
17 Whippings in Sri Lanka were carried out with a cat-o-nine-tails and flayed the back of the prisoner , scarring him for life .
18 Tests are being carried out for the bacteria that causes legionnaires disease after humidifying equipment failed …
19 The ministry , it declared , had been for over a generation " merely the faithful executor of the intentions " of Alexander I and Nicholas I , so that " its every action was carried out under the orders and instructions of the tsars themselves " .
20 Major visitations were conscientiously carried out by the heralds or their deputes — assisted.by the sheriffs and their officers — for more than a hundred and forty years .
21 Efficiency audits have no real private sector counterpart since monopoly references , though they also are carried out by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , are more limited in scope .
22 Sometimes carried out by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , sometimes by chartered accountants , they were ad hoc studies commissioned by the Secretary of State .
23 Whereas the line item approach bears no relation at all to the activities of the police force it is possible to identify various functions carried out by the police and thereby determine suitable programmes .
24 Our case studies of casual working were carried out in the hotels and catering industry where a large proportion of the casual labour force is to be found .
25 The research will be carried out in the magistrates and county courts at Nottingham and Bristol .
26 A sampling programme carried out in the Coins and Medals Department in 1979 checked some 10,000 of the estimated 600,000 objects in the collections .
27 The report concluded that substantial financial support should be given to research promoted and co-ordinated by the Home Office and carried out in the Universities and by other agencies .
28 There was plenty of broken glass and several glasses left on the window sills and the pavement , and of course , little piles of fag ends that barren , saving themselves journeys to the dustbins , had tipped out of the doors after everyone had gone .
29 There has obviously been some attempt to alter and/or censor , but something of the truth can nevertheless be teased out of the fragments that remain .
30 ‘ After being dropped out of the rankings because of inactivity , Glenn has now been re-rated , ’ said Gregory .
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