Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I expect I woke up at the wrong time .
2 In terms of progressing or taking part in the discussion , can I suggest that if you want to come in on a particular item , you put your name board up like that , so that we can readily observe it er and equally , our friend who is looking after the microphones can make sure that the vol the volume of your microphone is turned up at the appropriate time .
3 ‘ You mean if he does n't show up at the right time the opportunity wo n't occur again ? ’
4 There followed the annus mirabilis of 1889 during which , on Wilson 's later estimate , 130,000 members were enrolled in branches at 45 ports , a number representing , net of officers , engineers , cooks and stewards , " almost the whole of the seamen in the British mercantile marine " , though , he added with unusual candour , " it is true that they are not all paying up at the present time " , partly , it seems , because of the union 's policy of issuing " privilege tickets " involving no entry money or contributions until members could afford to pay .
5 Their rooms at the Royal Albion Hotel were just a few doors from each other and it was Ken 's job to see that she always had her mug of cocoa before going to bed — and indeed that she was warmly tucked up at the right time for a lady of her years and responsibilities .
6 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
7 And indeed for the first few weeks there is a manic response of getting up at the usual time and finding things to do , but which gradually subsides into grief and depression .
8 In posing the idea of such an ‘ iron law ’ Bukharin unwittingly predicted the actual course of events in the Soviet Union that has persisted up to the present time , that is , the continual shortfall of consumer goods production as compared to the growing population and the growth in monetary incomes .
9 ‘ It could be inferred from the date of university graduation , provided of course , that he went up at the usual time . ’
10 If somebody if they turn up at the normal time , I assume when though there 's you know we could leave a not a not a notice and they could just go out .
11 On November 28 Hatta resigned from the office of Vice-president , deploring the drift towards chaos : ‘ All our rebellions and our splits , our political anarchy and adventurism , and all the steps taken in the economic field which have created chaos , are the result of the fact that our national Revolution was not dammed up at the appropriate time . ’
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