Example sentences of "[verb] up [v-ing] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You have to be careful not to add too many of course , ending up knitting the next size .
2 Backspace allows correction , carriage return or line feed terminates the process , while a decimal digit character is translated and the decimal number built up using the elementary formula
3 ‘ During the week beginning 22 February , those peripherals necessary for us to test the new system were connected up using the new channel cables and spare channel adaptors on some device control units . ’
4 Drawing the assembled crowds ’ attention to the Norseman 's pedigree , Bob pointed out that it is thought to have been the first aircraft to land on the Normandy beaches during D-Day , the American fighter ace Screwball Beurling was killed in Italy whilst ferrying a Norseman to the Israelis and of course there is the legend that has built up surrounding the mysterious disappearance of bandleader Major Glenn Miller in December 1944 , after taking-off in a Norseman from Twinwoods airfield , near Bedford , England , bound for Paris , never to be seen again .
5 The Labour vote has declined because Liverpool people are fed up paying the highest poll tax in the country for a lor ra lor ra people who wo n't pay .
6 This is very difficult to do , and unless the practitioner is careful she ends up resembling the Prime Minister feigning compassion in the face of some disaster .
7 At least the rabbits wo n't know that Frank Cauldhame did what he did to them , the way a community of people knows what the baddies did to them , so that the revenge ends up having the opposite effect from that intended , inciting rather than squashing resistance .
8 The tenant ends up paying the same amount , but because he will have received a tax invoice he can claim input relief , subject to the normal rules .
9 Then he remembered he 'd given up smoking the damned thing .
10 It was therefore with surprise that they saw the coach draw up bearing the Lassiter coat of arms .
11 The Orc army breaks up leaving the eastern half of the Empire in ruins .
12 Some younger patients will need to develop this into a walk/jog sequence to get the heart rate up to the necessary level , and will ultimately take up jogging the whole distance .
13 You end up speaking the same jargon or formulae as the establishment without stopping to think .
14 A new computer simulator 's been designed to teach drivers how to handle a skid before they end up learning the hard way .
15 As you write the essay you may find that the focus shifts , with the result that you end up rejecting the original title and finding a more suitable one .
16 IF THERE is one political lesson which recent events have underlined in Africa , South East Asia and Latin America , it is that peasant armies waging guerilla wars all end up committing the same sort of brutalities , whatever the flag they fight under .
17 ‘ Else thee 'll end up scrubbing the bloody step like me . ’
18 The sad thing is such behaviour will only end up getting the poor stalker or ghillie the sack so it 's not worth the trouble .
19 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
20 His reaction had bewildered her , but she did n't want to dwell on it , because she knew that she would inevitably end up spending the entire evening thinking of him , and then feeling frustrated and angry with herself for having given in to her private weakness .
21 Each generation of managers , however , seems to end up learning the hard way .
22 Previously I always had difficulty in arranging a caretaker for the cottage , and often ended up spending the entire weekend gardening and doing the housework . ’
23 The TNCs control research and production of new seed varieties and , as many studies have argued , the so-called Green Revolution was managed in large part through the TNCs and ended up benefiting the rich farmer and merchant classes , and increasing the poverty of the rural masses .
24 Hill ended up sharing the front row of the provisional grid with his Canon Williams -Renault team-mate Alain Prost .
25 His biographer , Andrew Yule , wrote an exhaustive account of Puttnam 's career and ended up choosing the same word for the title .
26 ‘ After leading last year I then relaxed , partly because I did n't know what to expect , and ended up missing the four-round cut by one shot . ’
27 Hopper will probably agree that he — and the movie — were saved by Nicholson who was sent down by Rafelson as a trouble-shooter in the role of executive producer and ended up playing the third man , the part reserved for Rip Torn .
28 For example , if an offline system were designed which destroyed all offline copies when bringing a module back online , then there is a possibility that files could be lost if the system crashes immediately following the restore before the online version had been safely backed up using the normal VMS system back-up procedures .
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